Monday, January 29, 2007


So I'm sitting here listening to Norah Jones on the Today Show - great voice, so smooth no roughness, not trying to hard......

do ever wonder if people who sing great, sing like that in the shower? What about Happy Birthday - seriously if my sister sang like that - i wouldn't sing next to her.....we would all start singing and then shutup and let her finish....or do you think they purposely sing out of toon at the birthday party to not have anyone feel bad......or like Caroling for Christmas, why have anyone else sing? Why even open your mouth up at church? What would the point be - everyone would be jealous of you and upset that you can sing and they can't......hmmm.

Like what if you were Celien Dion's Best Friend - came to her house for all kinds of Birthday Parties --- dude I'd make her sing her own birthday song! LOL

Thursday, January 25, 2007


"I have one word for you - Rubbish."

"Rubbish? Is that like Garbage in British?"

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So yesterday, Oprah had on her show people in debt. Didn't see it but heard all about it. These people were given 1 year to get out of debt - or at least make a dent in the debt, AND they had the ability to use debt coaches.

Half way through the year, this woman (who her and her family were making 80,000 a year, but 81,000 in debt - not including the home) didn't want to fullfill her commitment and get out of debt - she was Shopping Hungry that bad! They showed up at Oprah's show - an extra 27,000 in debt from the year before - even though they made and extra 15,000 ON TOP of the 80,000

DANG - I wish I was there - I wish I was right in that audience - I want to be seat #1, row #1, breathing the same stinkin air as that woman - I want to slap her - slap her so hard it burns.

The state of peoples thinking in this country!!!!!!!!!!

And then there were a group of woman who wants to be accountable to eachother, accountable for their spending - ya know that $100.00 you spend every week on new jeans, or a new dress or heck just underwear!?!

LOL - i laughed....can I be accountable to someone for the 100.00 I spend PER YEAR on underwear???? PER YEAR!

I own - 3 pairs of jeans, yes three - only three!
My children have each 2 pairs of shoes, one tennies, one dress - oh and then a pair of boots.
I went yesterday and bought each of them an outfit - totalling each was 2.50 at Kmart Clearance.

After 3 years, is my house done? Nope - don't have the money for paint.
Heck I don't even have the money for Bins, for old clothes/storage - to clean out my basement, much less paint it!!

Do I Have Debt - Nope - we have No Credit debt, only our house and car.
But yet we live week to week, month to month - with Nothing, not a bit of anything to save.

- She wants to spend so bad, come to my house and buy stuff for me.

Monday, January 22, 2007


6inches of snow

snow still falling all around outside - simply beautiful

daddy is shoveling with big man shovel
timmy is shoveling with little boy shovel

yank, yank, yank - pull, pull, pull

daddy looks over his shoulder at little timmy, pulling and yanking

"What's wrong Tim?"
"Daddy my butt hurts"
"Why does it hurt?"
"My underwears is stuck inside my butt."

-this continues on, because little timmy refuses to come inside to "fix" the issue, and well since he is in layers upon layers and then snowpants - well you can imagine.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Family Stone

So last night we watched the movie: Family Stone...yeah yeah it's from 2005 - but when you have 2 little ones, there is no time for much of anything like movies!

This movie might be one of my all time fav's. Not sure why though it's very laidback and typical of a simple movie. The plot only lasting 3 days, is full of characters. In the stone family there are 5 children - they have come home for Christmas.

My favorite part - that there are 5 children, twice during the movie i said outloud - that's what Christmas should be like. All the grown kids sitting around playing games, all the kids crammed into the kitchen one morning scarfing down cereal.

Each child in the movie had their own quirk - the perfectionist, the lazy one, the baby of the family, the big sister - each got on eachother's nerves and when they are all together, they morf back into treating eachother like they are in highschool - Beautiful!

The mother, being a mother, new all her children and their quirks....when one walked into the room she knew which one. She knew how they would respond to things.

And they knew their mother.

I love this movie - it made me laugh and become sad in the same scene - like SJParker says in the featurettes: this movie is life...has ups and downs, when you want to kill your parents or siblings, and when you want to hold onto them for dear life, it makes you laugh and cry.....

I want children like this - I want them each to have the quirks, things I know about them only a mom could know - I want them to come home with open arms - I want a house of laughter, even though it will also have tears. And when I grow old I want each wrinkle to represent each year spent with my children, good and bad.

I want my son, to always be a perfectionist - he's so good at it. He is a germaphobe at heart, can't stand being dirty. He's my first born - my trial and error, but there is nothing quite like his smile.

And well my daughter - she is a grabber and taker - if it's out it's hers. She will argue with me and have her tempor tantrums, till I die I'm sure, but she is my blessing and miracle - my little me.

Love them both...yet want more.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Baby it's cold outside...

So as I was dressing the kids today to go outside, on our way to school, thought about something, something very odd as a parent - the coat.
A simple piece of mainstream apparel, we all have them. Some may be thicker than others, some may protect you from rain, or bitter cold - but do we have those - no.

Our flimsy little coats are just mere "2layers" of fabric - I could dress my children in way more warmer items just be sticking them into a wool sweater and a hooded sweatshirt. And the polyester "puff" jackets - well let's just say mr. polyester is making billions off us parents, because somewhere and sometime we were told, and believed that this would keep you warm - ha ha.

In the literal 10 seconds it takes to get from our door to our car - we are fre-ez-zing our rear ends off. Where's mr. polyester then? Sitting in Malabu in a jacuzzi.

And, well let's not even get started on the whole glove thing - seriously...why does every "good" pair of gloves cost as much as the coat? hmm? Why do they make good leather waterproof gloves for adults but for the kids? Well let's just say it's as about thick as my jogging pants --- so why do adults, who 1. pretty much don't live in the snow 2. never really build snow castles/forts/men 3. Have the EXPENSIVE waterproof gloves?

cuz mr. polyester says they should and we as parents buy into that.
well I'm off now to hunt down the Mini people stores - where they might carry some decent apparel for the kiddos who live in 10 degree weather - maybe in iceland, but I'll find you.

I'm Back

So after literally spending over an hour trying to get back to this place of blog heaven I'm here. Not sure exactly what happened, not sure what cloud of gray and primordial blackness of abyss my blog leaped into - but it arose victorious, slapping in the face all those who laughed and balked at her.

Life with 2 shall not end, it shall not stand by and watch others, so much like her continue on in the race of completeness. Oh no - she will rise up like the Phoenix she is - in her blaze of glory, rise o great one - Arise!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


according to ::

Daughter : a female child or person in relation to her parents.
Chocolate : an individual piece of this candy.
Candy : any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup, etc., often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.
THIEF : a person who steals, esp. secretly or without open force; one guilty of theft or larceny.

the setting....
I enter the shower, after getting them dressed, after diaper changing, after giving the children, beings of my blood and flesh, their full course breakfast....protien, dairy, fruit, startch.....FULL COURSE.......
about 5 min into the shower..........pounding and frantic knocking on the door, door flings open, cries of terror.......
"Natalie is eating the candy"......."tim then take it away from her and put it high up on the counter"........"No she's eating candy from the cup in the living room".....(*-*BREATH*-*)..."then take the whole cup and put it in the kitchen".........."Ok".

After shower out I come, knowing full well she ate some of my Present.......My Christmas Present.......MINE - ALL MINE....the shower wasn't the only thing steaming.........

how much did she eat?
the picture i saw....
1. Empty Mug on table.
2. Ripped Open celephane bag next to it - celephane DOES NOT tear well, and it was tied into a knot with christmas ribbon.......who said babies are not rocket scientists???
3. about TEN wrappers of hershey kisses, lying all over the living room floor.
4. about FOUR wrappers of reeses cups

unbelievable - if i didn't see the chocolate covered cheeks, hands, nose, shirt of my little....oh what did the dictionary call her?......LARCENOUS, THIEFING, daughter - i would have thought only my four year old could have done that.

the above took less than 10 min.
approximate time it took for her to eat a decent lunch - 35 min

chocolate, not diamonds, is my daughter's hearts desire and best friend.