Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kissy Face

Natalie and I spent an afternoon watching Sleeping Beauty ( I think it's winning out against "Ella"...see previous Blog...but then again they are all still Ellas )

anyways - the rest of the afternoon we had "kissy face wars" - lots of fun, highly recommend it...it was fun watching her run after Tim :) lol

She got me:

Monday, December 10, 2007

someone deserves it...

have you had a parent that when you were a child, in the back seat as your parent was driving - used to (as the commotion was escalating back there) just start swinging and hitting everything while they were driving and saying "if you get smacked it's because you deserved it" - never quite paying attention to who started the fighting, started the screaming, or started the whining, but rather just cared someone got hit! LOL
i was succombing to being that parent yesterday - the "flu like" sickness that has entered our house, buckered down and made a home here with a mailing address - has turned my two precious gifts from God into whining, fighting, slapping, cross little monsters -- did I mention the man of our family isn't much help --- so as i came into the midst of the "commotion" i was all about the slapping and swinging - too bad though I can't succomb to it completely :(
if the whining doesn't stop (( this is why santa was "created" it makes a good threat for parents!! )) and the fighting and pickering doesn't staop and if I have to clean up one more puke situation ((you should see our carpet))
....i'm going on vacation - to heck with Christmas.