Friday, June 29, 2007


I need random fun......
i need to run through a sprinkler wearing jeans - just cuz i can
i need to go give random acts of kindness - it needs to snow so i can shovel your walk way, or rake your leaves in the fall
i need to skip and run so fast my feet hurt
i need to fingerpaint - not on canvas or some big impressive took all day long to paint, painting -- but just some random finger/hand painting on a paper...then i need to hang it up
i need to catch fireflies
i need to make chocolate chip cookies and lick the spoon AND bowl - cuz i just need to not care about how bad it is to do that
i need to let my hair down
i need to randomly shop - walk into any big store (hey Walmart) and shop, take with me $20 and i need to onlyspend that much - just cuz i think i can't
i need to headbang
i need to get into a car with a full tank of gas and just go - taking friends with me and not caring where we go or what we are going to do
i need to blow a bubble
i need to know how many licks it really does take to get to a Tootsie Pop
i need to imagine
i need to take risks - i need to jump with eyes and arms wide open...when everything tells me I shouldn't-I should, just cuz.
i need to play
i need to spend that 25cents and get that plastic ring from that machine - then i need to wear it
i need to not stay in the lines
i need to pretend and dress up - be someone else for a day
i need to swing on a swing set
i need to ride a bike, and put playingcards in the wheel spokes and sound like a Harley

i need to dance in the rain
i need to wear pastels
i need to giggle
i need to sing out loud
i need to hug those around me
i need to laugh when all about me brings me to tears

yet i don't

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