Friday, July 10, 2009

Patience, Mom, remember?

It was bound to happen - when what you teach your child, comes back and slaps you so hard across the head you are dumbfounded that it could possibly coming from your child...the same child that can't remember yesterdays events:) lol

My dear son has been going to the "older kids" wed services for awhile now:) and about 90% of the time when you ask him what he has learned - he answers "stuff about Jesus or God".....:)
Oh no, not this past was Patience.

and he went on to tell me all the ins and outs about it...i was sitting there beaming that he finally took it in - grasped it - learned from it:)

Not 24 hours later - as I'm on my way somewhere and certain ppl in the road are just making me want to SCREAM at them....and then someone backs right up in to me...but didn't quite touch the bumper...yeah i wanted to scream then too...what did my wonderful son say...

"Patience, Mom, remember?"

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