Monday, May 17, 2010

It's a small world after all...

I'm astonished at times, how truly small our world is....I may know someone from my past, who may now be working with a someone else I know, across the country....truly astonishing.

Over the past 6 months, I have come across quite a few people on my facebook, who know other people on my friends list - they are connected, and we are connected...but none of us know, that we are all connected.

It's quite a small world isn' do I know you? Are we just a few "degrees" away from eachother?

It's a Big small world, where we are all connected....and yet at times all alone.

Steppin Through Vertigo

The world isn't as spinning as it was...little by little, I am understanding a bit more and more. Just taking tiny steps through the vertigo of my situation.

Seems like I've been in a constant prayer with God, every day, every time I consider the upcoming months...
don't let me step unless your footprint is there waiting for me,
don't let me speak unless your heart's cry is already in my mouth, and,
don't let me run with something that was just handed for me to borrow

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Garden 2010

Yep, trying it again - what's this year 6?
I'm once again taking it one step farther...more seeds!
N helped make a tray of veggies - everything from beans to melons! T helped make two trays of flowers.

A few things I learned so far in my seed planting experience:
- those bio peet pots are for the birds...nope never mind that birds won't even touch them.
they don't disintegrate like they say they do -- I'm still digging up stuff from last year!
- yogurt containers work wonderfully...thinking it has more to do with the moisture staying in, I personally love using the kids yogurt containers - since we have tons of those!
- seed trays are now my absolute fav!! - the covers make them into mini green brilliant is that? To think it took nearly 6 years for me to figure this out! lol
- OH but if you don't have the seed trays - just put plastic over the yogurt containers...waalaa.
- Because the seed trays works so wonderfully -- I don't have to plant the seeds so early. (I usually start in mid-march and plant outside mid-may) -- but in April all my seeds - yes ALL - were ready for the outdoors!

Our backyard faces the west - the nice Hot Sun! Half of my garden has always been flowers, the other side was veggies. I loosely call this a garden because it's a two feet wide patch the entire length of the house - something you'd put bushes into.

Speaking of Bushes - those nasty horrible overgrown pieces of...well.
I have hated ours for yes, 6 years. This year, putting my foot down, on a shovel and diggin them UP and OUT.
And making the entire length of the house garden plot - Flowers!

This week I planted the Gladiolas in the far north/west corner - lovely ground, lots of worms! Eight of them, looking forward to see what happens - never planted bulbs before!
I purchased a few perennials to replace those horrible bushes! -- N and I picked out a cute one called Strawberry -- truly thinking the name meant the "color" - because they were sold with flowers....but alas you guessed right - they are strawberries...another new addition.

The goal - and I really say that loosely because goals are never really finished around here - is to plant a 3x8 garden patch in the far north/west corner of the yard. All the veggies will go in there! - I can't wait to actually do this properly -- I'm hoping my laziness doesn't get the best of me, nor the bunnies.

Venture and New Discovery and Vertigo

Just in a few weeks - that's the time frame. A few weeks huh?
Feels like walls are starting to creep in.
Haven't really thought about the long term aspects of this new venture of our lives - the pain, the heartache, just focusing on the "now".

The now is a whirlwind. New discoveries around every bend, it's getting kinda dizzy in here, a Vertigo effect...a twirling effect of the knowledge being thrown at me...but the thankful aspect is there is a road map....only if I could continue to know how to read it!

Even in a road map, one begins to second guess the directions!

Just a few weeks - maybe the world will stop spinning by then.