Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Miracles anyone?

I'm not a Katy Perry fan - but I am a fan of Firework - a song of hers. The song talks about being a nobody, feeling useless, feeling like there's no purpose, and then goes on to explain that all you need to do is "ignite, the light, and let it shine" - find your spark...find what makes you, YOU.

Recently I was in a discussion with friends about MIRACLES. How they don't seem to be around us, everywhere, like they were in Biblical days.....hogwash. I think in our western thinking, our lazy, news changes everyday, type thinking - we have just learned to "look over" and "forget" our miracles. In the "making of Katy's video - she asks young people from all over Europe to write her, tell her their story, their "spark" -- and a young woman talks about being born, unable to see --- and now, has a dream to be a professional photographer....who sees. Yep, you read right...she can see.

You walk away from seeing that, and go, cool she can see! In ten minutes you'll forget her story. A MIRACLE, that we as the audience just will look over, and forget.

How many miracles are all around you? How many miracles are in your life? Yeah, the sun rising is pretty good, still owning your home in this recession - i agree is a bit of a miracle, even having children is such an awesome moment in our lives.
But, have you ever witnessed a miracle - saw the IMPOSSIBLE be POSSIBLE?

An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

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