Friday, October 7, 2011


yeah, where to start - Ummmm.

It's October - one of the warmest weeks in a long time, I've packed up the summer items...a bit too early it seems. Kids want to wear shorts....sorry, they are packed, go put on a sweater!

29 weeks - where has the time gone? where has my hips gone? And when is the next time I will sleep a full nights sleep with an ACH coming out of my mouth.

Fall - summer was soo busy, I feel like I missed it! Already into the midst of fall - the beauty, the smells, the decor...some of us wait all year for this time!

Lil DD - turned 3 yesterday - THREE!
After pizza and green soda (Jones) we gave the lil miss her gift
....a talking Woody...which she has not let go of since last night -
apparently we did good on that one!!!

DS - turned 9 - NINE in August....
with a camping celebration that well, didn't quite go as planned:(
With rain and the lack of time for smor's....
let's just say thank goodness we had gifts!!

And they are off - starting school! One in 3rd grade...more homework!! And my princess started her year in 1st grade!!! It's been challenging, but God continues to give us patience in all the struggles we face.

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