Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Writing I Will Go...

Has it really been since April? - Man, alot has happened...alot has made me happier:)
Let me fill ya in....

I spent a good 3-4 months having a bit of a post-partum...nothing on the drastic side...but just an overall - dislike of mommyhood. And then the last week of April hit, and well I was done...run away, one way ticket, taking an empty suitcase, thumb up on the side of the road...done.

Well, then I had the nerve to ask for help - found it:)...and began a "not worry or stress" so much attitude - which led to a much happier Mommy, leading to a happy baby and all around home.
Unless you have had post-partum...don't judge, turn off your head, you have no clue. You really don't, I look back now, and can't believe I'd wake up loving my lil girl, holding her, etc...and by noon I wanted nothing to do with her - Nothing. Could have cared less...it's a horrible feeling:( What a horrible mom I was right?...my kids would say differently...cuz when they asked for candy  ... I said I don't care. When they asked for ice cream...yep said I don't care. For about 3 days, they got to do whatever they wanted for 2 hours...between school and Daddy getting home:).
During that time I had no desire to be a mom - much less a mom of an infant.

Help: Get it, You deserve it.

Now to vent:

Have you seen Extreme Couponing? Or in this house what we call, Hording.
I have seen all the shows on hording, I get it - it's really a disease...this need for more. A desire to keep or hold onto something...I go through that with scrapbooking items...don't judge!
So why am I venting? Have you seen the show? Have you seen the many, MANY people who get what they get - cuz it's FREE??!!
And they line there rooms, closets, garages, and their bedrooms - kicking their spouses or kids out of the way - with their precious FREE ITEMS...oh but it's ok, it's "organized".

What the heck are you gonna do with 6 mo worth of diapers when you 
DON'T HAVE A BABY!?!?!?!?! 
Walk your butt to your precious piles...grab them diapers that you just have to have, "incase" you have a child one day...pack up your car - drive down to your food pantry and 

Toothpaste? Go give them away on the streets of your innercity.
Vitamin water? Go to your local school and give them to the coaches for their players.
Cereal? Go back to your local school, in your innercity - cuz they need food for their students for breakfasts!!!
NOODLES? Did you know there is actually AN EXPIRATION on non expiration foods?? Yeah, anything that has flour/starch...it gets bugs - lots of nasty bugs.


You ain't ever gonna use your 5,000 rolls of paper towels before you die. There are some of these people who live and breath for their coupons...don't get me wrong, I use them, I save lots with them..FOR STUFF I ACTUALLY USE.
You have an actual talent and desire -- fine a use for that...cuz your husband wants his garage back, and your kids want to play in the basement. Find a local food pantry - AND FILL IT!! With all and everything you can get your hands on...then you can continue your need to "get that 0.00 balance at the register". Keep for what your family needs (NEEDS)..and give to what your neighbor needs.

yeah. there. i vented.
just an observation:)

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