Monday, August 27, 2012

A Letter to my Son...8/2012

I have written letters on my children's first birthdays, that I put aside till they are going away to college.

But my son turns 10 this year, actually this week. And I've been contemplating some things I could do for him from me, for this special Double Digit time in his life.
Through the powers of Pinterest (it's taking over the world isn't it!?!) I found a letter written by Tina Fey, to her daughter that was published in her book. The letter has humor and truth to it ~ making it completely personal from mommy to daughter. 

So I decided to take her idea, and humor at times, and create my own lil prayer for Tim for the next 10 or so years. With a few of Tina's words, a bit of my own, adding some of Tim's personality, and a bit of my prayerful it is:

My prayer for Tim:

First Lord, teach me to see him as, A Blessing. A Miracle. A Joy. My Gift.

Remind him from time to time that his daddy is a superhero. Who will move mountains, jump from building to building, fly across the world, and take a bullet for him.

For him…please no tattoos. May no Chinese symbol, no little birds flying away, or tiny flower or design, stain his precious skin. May Your words be on his heart, not his arm.
When the crystal meth is offered or the joint is passed his way, may he remember he is a temple and have the courage to walk away.

Guide him and protect him…when he crosses the street, is within the water, standing, walking, running, on a bike, on a scooter, on a motorcycle, in a car…when he is down on this earth and when he is above it. 
While he walks in foreign land, at home or away, 
I pray his footsteps become footsteps of faith.
Keep him protected from anything high, anywhere, at any age....but when he quivers around all that is high...remind him of Your protection.
Guide him Father, when he walks…when he begins to walk away from us.

Help him to learn to play drums, to his own fiery rhythm of His Own Heart, so loud, that he will not hear the cadence of the other drummers.

Remind him fighting is never the answer. But also remind him to fight for what he believes in, and to not let others take his beliefs away.

Help him to find something he will be passionate about, something where he can make his own hours but still feel fulfilled. Help him see outside the window, everything that YOU created. The simple breeze through the trees, the beauty in a flower, the sun upon his face, the perfectness of a snowflake.

Teach him to crawl again. Now that he is running, he is moving faster through life. In a few years he will be sprinting, and once he is behind the wheel he will take off. 
Let him be still holding a matchbox car for a few years before he is holding the keys to one.

And when he looks up and sees her. Let his mind not be flooded with only thoughts of her, but help him to remember me, his sisters, his grandmothers, and all the other women in his life. Help him to remember to care for her like a fragile flower. 
To honor her like women should be honored. Help him to love her as You love her.

One night Lord, he may be up walking the halls with his beloved. 
He will see her in pain and he will have no clue what to do. 
How can he help her? How will he do this? Will he be a good father? 

Remind him Lord, all the years of him learning to love, from his daddy, from his Father.
And when he’s up walking and rocking the new lil one, changing his lil one, loving his lil one, remind him Lord these words… 

“My mother did this for me once.”

August 2012
-excerpts taken from Tina Fey

Thursday, August 16, 2012


i always seem to be looking for time & energy
starting to think i need to be better at the time given

hubby and i just got back from our anniversary trip in bahamas
such, SUCH a relaxing vaca
some travelers need to fill up their time with things to do, places to see
this trip was all about me, my honey, some sand, and island breeze
do nothing in the sun type of trip
and we had it

but that really is the feel of the islands
i was told the bahama's has a 3s policy
sit, stop, stay
yeah that pretty much covers it

it's slower, time is enjoyed
food is savored and drinks are sipped

i may have purchased a few souvenirs from the islands
but i have brought back something even better
a sense of "calm"
3 s
sit - stop - stay

~ purchased an ebook with some recipes - I'm on the search for something, anything that tasted as good as the Jerk Chicken Caesar Salad we had pool side...soo good! And I hate spice!  I will post when I get down with my first try - Blackened Fish (Tilapia not in the midwest have no idea how good fish can be!) - maybe cut open a coconut :)