Sunday, March 25, 2007


i am learning i am a people pleaser - i try to go out of my way to
please nearly everyone or anyone - when i say i'm gonna do something, i'll try
to double the effort in doing it.

and because of that, i'm continually disappointed that other people are NOT like me.
they say they will do something, they drop the ball, they choose not to show up,
they give an excuse, or forget to care at all - of course my A personality takes it personally
i blow, i fume, i scream at anyone who gets in my way --- knowing full well, other's are not
like me - they don't put a 110% into "everything"......nope they're not like me.

why can't they be?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Late Fav's

Ok, so my busy life may keep me from doing a Favorite Friday Item
But I was so excited and surprised and full of joy last friday - that my Favorite
item is:


My parents called us up and said, we are going up north till next monday (today) we'll take Tim...Holy Cow - Sleep In Weekend, Here We Come!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


standing at the counter paying for my rental "girly" movie....ok it was Step Up, very good.....

waiting for the receipt to sign

hack, cough, urp, hack - a very large old nasty twotoothed man is standing next to me
cough, snort, ((swallow snort/snot)), hack - he moves his left elbow and taps mine

'you seen Borat?'

no sorry i haven't

cough, snort

'it's funny, really really should be renting that'

well maybe ((hack, cough, hack, snort)) next time


Friday, March 9, 2007

Friday Favorites...

Every Friday I'm gonna try and blog some things in my life, either that week or that day....helps me focus on the fun little moments of mommyhood I should be enjoying.

1. Tic Tac Toe - I have recently taught Tim how to play TTT, and well now we are working on, watching "the whole" game not just offense, but defense :) -- but taking 15 min out of my life to play this fun little game...well all the work can wait, can't it.

2. Sick Days - not for me, but for the kids. As mom's mostly we hate these days - kids are crying, whining, blubbery little people - and mostly not sleeping -- but then there's one aspect I've been enjoying this past very independent daughter has been "cuddling" with Mommy more -- i have to cherish this little change in my daughters personality:)

3. Bread & Butter - I have figured out that this is my comfort food....seriously, it hits the spot when I'm just down in the dumps and need well, comfort food - hey it's better than chocolate.

And now for my favorite Picture of the Week - it wasn't taken this week, but it's our most recent:) ::

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Hello? Who's out there?


beep, beep, beep.....




beep, beep, beep.....


This is mommy's new alarm clock........Tim has decided he is a alien he flies through my bedroom....
at 7 am.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Hiro - you are my Hero!

Thanks for the read......

"Something has happened to me, I can hear people's thoughts."

So - I'm intralled with Heros!

I'm addicted - I need a HA Meeting!

And I'm sooooo bothered by the fact that I have to wait till April 23 - seriously the show is only once a week - they make me wait a whole 7 days till the next episode - and now, I have to wait almost TWO MONTHS????


I want to be a Hero.

I want to fly, I want to heal - I want them all - but if I had to only pick one --- hmmmm it might be the painter, cuz well I think that's just cool - yeah painting the future would be cool.

What Hero Do You Want To Be?

Monday, March 5, 2007

So above you will find yourself looking at the ocean surrounding Cozumel, Mexico. Yes I took these, and No you will not see me in any photos - Why You Ask? Cuz well I'm reminded constantly by my hubby - that everything put on here, well the world see's:) and if I choose to ever run for office - well let's not go one wants to see me in a bathing suit:) lol

So you will have to believe me when I tell you that I was there - yep Mexico.

And well my Spanish Highschool Teacher would be not be proud.......
sorry Mrs. Lane - at no time did I stand on a pedestal and preach from Psalm 23 - the only remainder of spanish in my head......but let me just leave you with this bit of advice - maybe you should have taught me "Where's the Bathroom?" - which I could have used:) but no - you taught us Bible verses......."just incase" we ever go there.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Towels a Plenty

Ok, so if you ever have been a on a cruise you know they place these animal towels on your bed with a mint - so on a cruise all day, day - I took one class that teaches you how to make these cute animals - I can make the swan, elephant, dog (cutest) and the monkey.

Below are pics from our room and under that are pics from me making them:)