Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Remember Me....

I'm amazed how one lil song, so simple in words and melody - can instantly bring me to tears.
Every Time I Here It -- almost frustrating really...and it's not even a sad song!!!

But the imagery of the words are truly magical - i have images in my head, for each line
to the song - the beauty of the poetry that Mark writes in the song...yeah just amazing to me.

Remember me In a Bible cracked and faded by the years
Remember me In a sanctuary filled with silent prayers

Remember me When the color of the sunset fills the sky
Remember me When you pray and the tears of joy fall from your eyes
Remember me When the children leave their Sunday school with smiles
Remember me When they're old enough to teach Old enough to preach Old enough to leave

Age to age and heart to heart
Child of wonder child of God
Remember me
(Mark Schultz)
Each verse - I can see the beauty of God in it....but the 3rd verse, well yeah...
there's nothing like seeing a child, in their simple and unadulterated innocence,
understand, believe, and live the Beauty of God
the purpose of the song has been met - it continues to help me, Remember Him.

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