Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Ah, the Christmas Season!
This was an all around great month -- plans and goals were accomplished. And I think we took more time to just "BE" and stopped "Being Busy".

Our tree was up the Saturday after Thanksgiving - a real tree too! No real lil ones around to eat the needles!
Our gifts were all purchased well in advance, and wrapped right away. Not to mention, I kept my tradition of having each child get their own kind of paper. (Thank goodness for dollar stores!)

Cookies - I had a goal to try different ones, to make ones I have always wanted to try...yeah for Kahula Balls!! Though ran out o
f time, to make my staples...Crinkles:( But Dan got to try a new tradition...Dragon's Beard!

We spent time with family - spent time with God. We even got to read Twas the Night & The Nativity.

Really this was a great month. And now we have Daddy home all week - having fun, watchin movies, playing games, building models and play houses -- A Blessing ~ this Life with 3.

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