Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh Mom!!

I figured out the best money making service out there...The Best! I'd pay big bucks for this!!
Here's the gist - when your kids get sick - us Mom's we take care of them, right!?
And when our hubbies are sick - us Wife's we take care of them, right!?

What about when WE get sick??

Been dealing with a 24 hour bug - - has all my joints hurting and so extremely tired..you'd think I was preggo (not!). When it hurts to pick up the cup your daughter dropped on the floor, or to even get a coat on to go outside - ya know something's wrong. But, I wasn't sick...I mean I wasn't bent over the nice oval thrown getting sick - hence I couldn't figure out what was wrong!

Then after the kiddos were sleeping and the DH went out for a bit - the chills came!!

OH THE CHILLS....I was shaking and shaking hard! I was running (ok maybe not running) to the bathroom - not to bend over the thrown - oh no, but to sit on it - constantly!!! And the chills were so bad I couldn't do basic things like hold my phone (it fell out of my hand) and turn the light switch on (yeah kept missing it)!

Thank Goodness for Tylenol:)
Hours Later - MUCH MUCH BETTER:)

Anyways - back to my idea of a way to make myself rich:) -- Hire a Mom!

Yep - create a company of ladies who are called upon - when the real Mom - needs a day or two off because she's sick!! This would include taking care of the Mom duties in the household, but also be a Mommy to the sick mommy:)

yeah yeah, I know what you're saying -- we got that already.... Called Grandma:)

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