Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I'm titling this post Time - well because I"m running out of it!!! I'm headed into the last month of the 2nd trimester -- Where the heck did the time go??!!
Next week I go for my dr. appt - I will update my stats at that time:) - Had my ultrasound this past Monday, and still not wanting to know the sex...tho I'm thinking it's a girl.

There's just SO much to do!!
And everyone advises tackle one thing at a time...well, I have another blog, called Goals, I'm barely keeping this one afloat so - let's just blend the 2 here is my to do list.

Computer: Plans:
Update my site on thebump Canada Trip
Change my title/pic for this blog Halloween
move pics around on fbk Open House/Christmas

House: Basement:
Windows 1/2 hour+ each day organizing/throw out.
Gutter 4 bags min. thrown out - TWO DOWN!
Girl's room - DONE Laundry catchup
Cleanout Lvg room toys/books
Tim's room - DONE
Our room Garage:
Kitchen cabinate organize 1/2 hour+ each day organizing/throw out.
Fridge situation/clean - DONE Room to park
Hall closet - DONE
Coat closet

Pics of Belly weekly
Blanket - work on Girl's and Babies
Scrapbook - Finish Natalie's & Abi's
Cross-stitch - Baby Items
Christmas - Projects for each child
Christmas - Plan & Attack
Sept - tread mill walking & Tag Centr

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