Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Pinterest is becoming well, an obsession - but it's not like I'm letting it collect dust in all the stuff I think/dream about....I'm using it. A huge plus for me:)

My first big project, was taking all this great kid ideas I find & doing something about it. Saw this idea actually in a cookbook at target for only $1. Now, I could have bought the book - but why add another piece of junk and waste a good 1.00!!

Then, saw them again on pinterest - it was ment to be:) Now I'm warning you, these are pretty darn cute, super easy to make and well - practically FREE, since I already had the candy canes, and jimmies - so the red candy melts and sticks - that's it!

Enjoy:) the kiddos at school did!!

March Cleaning Madness!!

March has it's madness in many ways. To most it's basketball - hate watching the game! I'm sick of the clutter, chaos, dirt, grime, crud, (how many more words can I come up with?) junk, piles, mess...well you get the point. I'm going into...ready? MARCH CLEANING MADNESS.

In 1 month I want, no I expect this house to be completely better, and my head not you ask? Bags, lots of bags..40 to be exact.

Saw this idea on pinterest - 40 bags in 40 days.

Easy enough right!?! So I wrote up and printed off (YES I HAVE A PRINTER!) and posted it.
Starting tomorrow - 1 bag goes OUT!

So, excited I'm giddy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012


Wow - It's that time already??

Hubby just celebrated his 35th birthday, which also means it's been 20 years since I made him cupcakes in band ("just cuz"' ya know) and then him finding out I liked him...also
means this is our 15th year of marriage.

So we had a lil party for him - completely worth every penny for renting the hall - just so I don't have to clean, or stress about the spacing. Just can't believe it's been that long!!!

Kids gave him a fun sign/card for his day also, found the idea on pinterest...and one day when I know how to "link" back to others..I will send this image back to the original maker - but until then, take a gander at ours!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb 2011

Ah, I start this month with a saddened heart.
There has been many deaths in our lives here in WI - both for our family, but friends too. Seems every few weeks there is another.

Today the body of 1Lt David Johnson will be coming back home to WI. I am honored to have known this great guy. He was just a teen when Dan & I came to our church, and started working with the teens. David was just an awesome guy, could make me laugh at the most chaotic and frustrating moments. Really can't believe he's gone. His family our great friends of ours, and when you know the family, your heart just breaks seeing them in pain.

See you one day, David.

1Lt David Johnson

going to watch his body be brought back home
a sad time to see this happening to our dear friends
a beautiful thought that he is truly Home
but honored to stand and watch, honored to have known him


Where have I been? What have I been doing? I'd love to tell you I've been doing something amazing for the human race. Maybe the peace corps or working with the poor/elderly. Heck, or even shoveling someone's sidewalk - but alas (my new word) I have not. But - I did have a baby!!

On 12-12-11 I had a baby girl, Hailee Michell ~ I want to nic-name her leelee, so cute:)

Now, I could go back and talk about my whole last, what has it been, 4 months - but I won't. I'm going to take my own advice. Start now, work backwards when I have time.

So, now, I know you have read this before and I promised many times - to make this blog a goal...and I fail, oh so miserably. I will try, really really I will:)

I'm wanting to blog - weekly. Every Friday I want to hop on here, and talk about my week with my crazy family, what food I'm making, what parties I have planned, what chaos awaits me at each turn of my day...that is my goal -- this week. we go, my life - my life with 4.