Friday, February 3, 2012


Where have I been? What have I been doing? I'd love to tell you I've been doing something amazing for the human race. Maybe the peace corps or working with the poor/elderly. Heck, or even shoveling someone's sidewalk - but alas (my new word) I have not. But - I did have a baby!!

On 12-12-11 I had a baby girl, Hailee Michell ~ I want to nic-name her leelee, so cute:)

Now, I could go back and talk about my whole last, what has it been, 4 months - but I won't. I'm going to take my own advice. Start now, work backwards when I have time.

So, now, I know you have read this before and I promised many times - to make this blog a goal...and I fail, oh so miserably. I will try, really really I will:)

I'm wanting to blog - weekly. Every Friday I want to hop on here, and talk about my week with my crazy family, what food I'm making, what parties I have planned, what chaos awaits me at each turn of my day...that is my goal -- this week. we go, my life - my life with 4.

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