Tuesday, September 11, 2012

another 5, has passed

Do you have that one thing that reminds you of your children? That "thing" that you see in a store and think - "___" would love that.

My son - it's Transformers. As T has gotton older, his love of them hasn't dwindled. He likes other stuff, lots of other stuff - but when he sees a yellow sports car with black stripes drive down the road - he's all about  Bumble bee. When we see a big semi with 2 smoke stacks (is that the technical word?) - it's all about Optimus.

So 2 years ago I painted this on his wall - super super easy. You need a picture, a transparency, a projector, and paints & a sharpie....here's the Evolution of Optimus.

But alas what was once a lil boy - is now 10 - DOUBLE DIGIT people!!
Another 5 has passed, and where he once has a Transformers themed bedroom, a Transformers themed birthday party, backpack, tshirts, coats, etc.....it's all falling away.

One day -- he will ask me to paint over this mural....he's getting there, adding pictures all around it, where once it was solid white - so all would see O.P. One day some sports guy, or a pic of some girl, will cover it.
Not now, tho -- he's still my lil boy.

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