Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Having a Bad Morning?

when you are having a bad horrible rotten everything sucks, very bad day...
think of me:
10:50 right now...

almost an hour ago - I went into a bedroom to put clothes away, I then hear my precious 3 year old start screaming...'SHE'S POOPING, ON ME!!'
(What the world, right??!!??)

I walk in the living room to see...
3 yr old standing screaming
baby on all fours, with her diaper and bottoms, lodged in her "crack", and poo oozing out
3 yr old has poo down one leg, on her foot, between her toes..and still screaming.
baby has it down both legs, on arms, and fingers....and wait for it...
in slow motion...hand GOING...INTO...MOUTH.

>we pause here to "notice" the poo in the rug..IN the rug, not on.

....there just isn't enough patience, wipes, soap, spray, wash, hand santitizer, the whole of this house.
Yeah, that's been my day...can't wait for more fun. Life with 4, yep:)

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