Wednesday, October 10, 2012


do you ever just stand in your laundry room, overtaken by the huge amount of fabric, and just stand in awe. where do these clothes come from - there's no way all this can fit in their drawers! if it's all in here what are they possibly wearing right at this second?!
in this day and age my children need nothing - nothing at all when it comes to clothes. i'm over taken by the latest sales at stores, pulled in by the great deals at resale shops - for what reason!?! to add MORE to this pile!
i remember having a few of everything - not more then around 3/4 of any one thing - my children, they can go 2 weeks + without me having to do laundry...and that's just whites/jeans...course then i'm literally doing laundry for days straight.
yesterday i read an article about how to keep the home "sane" ... her first suggestion is to not put off to the weekend, laundry; that if you do a load a day, you will be caught up.
...let's just say she obviously doesn't live here - here where on average i do 3-4 loads a day, not including bedding.
my son is a jean and tshirt kinda guy - he has tons...ok, not tons but well over 20 tshirts. oh and pjs the boy could live in pj bottoms every night of the week and weekend. so i asked him yesterday as i handed him 2 stacks of just pj bottoms...if he has room for these - he laughed and said nope, his drawer is already full.
WHOA - hold up. he has 2 stacks - about 10 pj bottoms, that i just handed him, and his drawer is still full in his room. and that's JUST THE BOY. - we won't even go into the very full girls room - a room with 1 closet fitting 3 girls.
if i took all the hours of my week of when i'm doing laundry - it's a job! i'm gone from my life, in my basement - lost in a sea of fabric - lost, Missing, to the world.

one things for sure - i'm not buying a piece of clothing for any of my children till after christmas...3 months, i could do it right? probably, i should carry a pic of my laundry room with me every time i leave the house, to remind me where i'm lost ever day.

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