Friday, June 28, 2013


Noise. Sound. Bass. Tremble. Music is such apart of our lives. The rhythm. The sway of our bodies. The tap of a foot. The laughter and screams of excitement. The tears and calm of a simple melody.

What melodies shape our lives? What rhythms run through our minds? What bands represent me?
I really don't have favorites. Mostly just a top 40 kinda girl. But in their particular genres, I do have favorites.

Journey, Bon Novi, Madonna, MJ, Debbie Gibson, NKOTB
Hoodie, Boys to Men, Backstreet Boys, CĂ©line Dion
Pink, Fun, Pit Bull

And so much more!

Country: Garth Brooks
New Age: Enya
Soundtrack: First Knight, Last of the Mohicans
Polish (yep!): Eddie B
Broadway: Phantom
Christian: DCTALK, TobyMac, Newboys, LaRue, Matthew West..and so much more!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Split/Personalities - Spaces

I admit it, there are two people in me. They fight now and then...but for the most part the same one always wins.
I like pretty, cutesy things: flowers, lace, fabrics, cores, vintage, girly, floral, feminine, etc.
I love, casual, lived in things: neutrals, blues, basic shapes, no patterns.
Guess which side wins? Not the pretty spaces, like this...


I wonder tho, if everyone is like this, having multiple likes vs loves in their surroundings. We have multiple rooms in our home, giving us multiple ways to play with what we like...does your home have a running theme, concept idea? All mine says is I have kids! No, really my home has different personalities, each room has a different style and look....I bet some designer could help me with that!!

Maybe it means I love alot of things. My neutral calm living room, my (future) primitive antique kitchen, my fall bathroom, my (future) royal bedroom. Each room has it's living room has it's nautical & lighthouses. My kitchen has a beautiful deep red and sage color accented with a few apples. My bath, I add leaves and grasses from time to time, and well, my bedroom, let's just say the accent is everyone else's stuff and chaos. But it's home, and one day I hope the other personality in me is content with it.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 Places in the World I want to visit...

There is a running joke in my home. When mom is going to loose it, I start threatening to Timbuktu. It's become such a common joke, that whenever the luggage comes out for a 4 year old starts to get upset, cuz she really thinks I'm leaving!
But in all seriousness, my challenge is to write about 5 places I want to go to, that I've never been too.  So in order...

1. Wyoming
Now it may be odd for some people. It's not some far off secluded beach. But ever since seeing Dances with Wolves, I've been a little obsessed with the country and the plains. There is so much land and beauty in our country that so many of us never see. My parents vacationed there when I was a teen, but couldn't go because of just starting a job...but they brought me dirt home...Wyoming dirt, yep still have it! Also the Bison is my favorite animal..not sure why, so don't ask.

2. Hawaii
Now here's one everyone will understand. The beauty, the food, the people, the music, the water, the land. I'd like to meet one person that DOESN'T want to go there!

3. Mexico
I want to see the ruins, the temples, the history. This is a bucket list spot for both my hubby and I.
Again there is just so much beauty we miss, that surrounds us!!

4. Swiss alps
Ok really any alps lol. But I have 1. always wanted to go over seas to Europe and 2. very much want to go to Switzerland. Even the name sounds so inviting!
Just like Hawaii how do you NOT want to go?

5. Africa
Come on..giraffes right next to you, elephants at the watering hole, oh my. The glory of one entire continent. The people, the food, the land, the animals...where do I begin when coming up with reasons why to go. I had a teacher in 2nd grade, she went on a safari once, brought back photos and items for us to see.....I've been mesmerized ever since!!

Now this world is way too big to just have 5, lets add 5 more.
6. Asia...mostly cuz of the history, beauty, and amazing culture so different from mine.
7. New visit not to love.
8. L.A....again to visit not to love.
9. Peru...ruins, history, beauty.
10. And lastly another bucket list...Alaskan glaciers.
What about you, got a #1 destination spot?

What's in a Blog?

I started blogging years ago, but you wouldn't know that from my posts. I have great intentions, try to challenge myself, but I continually fall into the 'I got busy' mode. Weeks and even months pass before I check back in. I even follow many blogs, love reading what others do in their spare time.

My blog has changed its name through the years...always adding another 'with___'. But unless we adopt...I'm settling on life with 4.

Through the crazy, chaotic, and yet fun 4 keep me on my toes.

So I'm off to starting another challenge, trying...30days didn't work..perhaps I should challenge just for 7 days!!