Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So yesterday, Oprah had on her show people in debt. Didn't see it but heard all about it. These people were given 1 year to get out of debt - or at least make a dent in the debt, AND they had the ability to use debt coaches.

Half way through the year, this woman (who her and her family were making 80,000 a year, but 81,000 in debt - not including the home) didn't want to fullfill her commitment and get out of debt - she was Shopping Hungry that bad! They showed up at Oprah's show - an extra 27,000 in debt from the year before - even though they made and extra 15,000 ON TOP of the 80,000

DANG - I wish I was there - I wish I was right in that audience - I want to be seat #1, row #1, breathing the same stinkin air as that woman - I want to slap her - slap her so hard it burns.

The state of peoples thinking in this country!!!!!!!!!!

And then there were a group of woman who wants to be accountable to eachother, accountable for their spending - ya know that $100.00 you spend every week on new jeans, or a new dress or heck just underwear!?!

LOL - i laughed....can I be accountable to someone for the 100.00 I spend PER YEAR on underwear???? PER YEAR!

I own - 3 pairs of jeans, yes three - only three!
My children have each 2 pairs of shoes, one tennies, one dress - oh and then a pair of boots.
I went yesterday and bought each of them an outfit - totalling each was 2.50 at Kmart Clearance.

After 3 years, is my house done? Nope - don't have the money for paint.
Heck I don't even have the money for Bins, for old clothes/storage - to clean out my basement, much less paint it!!

Do I Have Debt - Nope - we have No Credit debt, only our house and car.
But yet we live week to week, month to month - with Nothing, not a bit of anything to save.

- She wants to spend so bad, come to my house and buy stuff for me.


Patric (formerly content) said...

seriously, some people are just so dense. i wish sometime that a million dollars would drop from the sky, but i don't think it would help. they did this show about a homeless guy, and they gave him $100,000. in the end he was back on the streets and was worse off than before. money isn't everything. family is. i bet those women don't even realize their missing the most important things in life...

Emilia Thee Great said...

tsa, you are so right, I love your commitment to not living in debt. I also have no credit card debit, but school debit, um I don't want to talk about it.

Unknown said...

Sometimes we make mistakes, and that's how we end up in debt. My husband makes a nice income that far exceeds the national average, and yet we live paycheck to paycheck. It's the unexpected things that get us in trouble - car repairs, home repairs, etc. Never did we buy anything lavish or extreme with our cards, and yet we managed to rack up the debt. All of that, combined with student loans, and all of a sudden we owe a lot of money. But, unlike some of the people on Oprah's show you were speaking of, we are aware that things must change. And we must take baby steps to turn this ship around before it sinks. I wish I would have seen Oprah - luckily we are not THAT much in debt! Whew!