Friday, January 19, 2007

Family Stone

So last night we watched the movie: Family Stone...yeah yeah it's from 2005 - but when you have 2 little ones, there is no time for much of anything like movies!

This movie might be one of my all time fav's. Not sure why though it's very laidback and typical of a simple movie. The plot only lasting 3 days, is full of characters. In the stone family there are 5 children - they have come home for Christmas.

My favorite part - that there are 5 children, twice during the movie i said outloud - that's what Christmas should be like. All the grown kids sitting around playing games, all the kids crammed into the kitchen one morning scarfing down cereal.

Each child in the movie had their own quirk - the perfectionist, the lazy one, the baby of the family, the big sister - each got on eachother's nerves and when they are all together, they morf back into treating eachother like they are in highschool - Beautiful!

The mother, being a mother, new all her children and their quirks....when one walked into the room she knew which one. She knew how they would respond to things.

And they knew their mother.

I love this movie - it made me laugh and become sad in the same scene - like SJParker says in the featurettes: this movie is life...has ups and downs, when you want to kill your parents or siblings, and when you want to hold onto them for dear life, it makes you laugh and cry.....

I want children like this - I want them each to have the quirks, things I know about them only a mom could know - I want them to come home with open arms - I want a house of laughter, even though it will also have tears. And when I grow old I want each wrinkle to represent each year spent with my children, good and bad.

I want my son, to always be a perfectionist - he's so good at it. He is a germaphobe at heart, can't stand being dirty. He's my first born - my trial and error, but there is nothing quite like his smile.

And well my daughter - she is a grabber and taker - if it's out it's hers. She will argue with me and have her tempor tantrums, till I die I'm sure, but she is my blessing and miracle - my little me.

Love them both...yet want more.


Patric (formerly content) said...

wow! that is amazing! I loved that movie. that's exactly what christmas was like for us finally this year. everyone's kinda older, more mature, we can all sit down over a cup of hot cocoa and peppermint schnapps, and relax! I agree that you should have more. Tim is priceless, jessica was telling me hilarious stories from when she takes care of him on Sunday mornings. So make more. and name one after me. seriously?!?! middle name: patrick. No one else will ever do that for me, and it's only a middle namE!?!?

Tsa said...

LOL - a consideration ok! No, actually after hearing the name constantly I like "Everett" - just not with our last name:(

Everett Patric -- lol

Patric (formerly content) said...

i like it. everett patrick. it sounds swell. although add the last name it sounds like some kinda docter.

jane aroma said...
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jane aroma said...

Yeah, pretty much my family, except we have more kids
>>one Christmas my sister brought home a guy that we never met, and that same Christmas they got engaged, it was wierd
>>anyways, I loved the movie as well

Emilia Thee Great said...

I don't know which is better the blog or the comment conversation

Tsa said...

Yeah, I love that Patric is so obsessed (hee hee) with the name of my next child!! LOL