Sunday, March 11, 2007


standing at the counter paying for my rental "girly" movie....ok it was Step Up, very good.....

waiting for the receipt to sign

hack, cough, urp, hack - a very large old nasty twotoothed man is standing next to me
cough, snort, ((swallow snort/snot)), hack - he moves his left elbow and taps mine

'you seen Borat?'

no sorry i haven't

cough, snort

'it's funny, really really should be renting that'

well maybe ((hack, cough, hack, snort)) next time



Emilia Thee Great said...

Borat, looks absolutely terrible, crash, and disgusting, but I'm judging w/o watching.

Patric (formerly content) said...

yeah geez, but i've seen clips and it doesn't even look funny to me. it just looks like it would really piss me off.

Unknown said...

Funny if you have the sense of humor of a 15 year old boy. Or that horky gross man .. lol