Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What's in a name?

People call me a lot of things...and some names I don't even know about. But I have three nicknames I will answer to, besides my actual name, what my hubby calls me, or what my kids call me. These names were given to me by special people in my life, at special times in my life.

T.T. My family nickname..so the story goes I couldn't pronounce my own name when I was learning to talk...and I called myself TeeTaa...and there you go, even 30 some odd years later, my extended family still can call me that.

Wildabeast. Yep, the animal, and also the incorrect way of spelling it I think. In my moody years...well at least the years I became moody..ie: entering puberty...I would charge at people, friends, etc. And my friends loving nicknamed me this.

Tsa. My favorite. My wonderful hubby just couldn't remember how my name was spelled when we would write notes to each other during our dating years in school. And one day he started the note with Tsa...it kinda stuck, and really he's the only one aloud to use it.

So what's in a name? A lot about the person, the personality, and the friendships shared.
Now if you call me Terry..warning, I won't answer.

Monday, May 6, 2013

My day....detailed

My day starts with me getting up in the morning around 6:30, and laying there till the alarm goes off at 6:45. I yell for my two older ones to get up by 6:50. I head to the living room and watch a bit of Goodmorning America.
Go through backpacks, agree on snack choices, sock choices, and hair/outfit choices...and out the door to school.
I head back home to chill for the day with my lil pumpkins. Breakfast for them, tea or coffee for me and we start our day.
Each day is different, today was a mix of catching up on my challenges and laundry .. The never ending chore in my life with 4.
Lunch is usually whatever is left in my fridge for the week of leftovers. My lil'st has a wonderful nap in the afternoon, and my 4 year old has the afternoon to be enchanted by her latest movie craze....today is Lemonade Mouth, which is nice cuz I like the movie also.
Soon we are off to pickup the older siblings, and head back, to work on homework, cleaning stations..greatest thing I ever thought of..and plan the dinner.
5pm is when I actually start dinner, and hopefull eating by 6:15.
After dinner is reading, some tv time, showers or baths..and then bedtime by 8.
Let's just say this is my fav time of day...most pple crash in the evening. Tho true, I love having adult time with my hubby..chillin, watching our shows, talking adult talk..no crying, whining, sippycups,  etc.

Oh the fun day of a SAHM!

To like or dislike...

My second challenge was to wrote about things I like and dislike. Thinking I should start with the harder of the two choices....like.
That shouldn't be harder right? Well it is really..we often complain about everything we dislike around us, and rarely take the time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak..being thankful for the things we like. Now I am not going to list obvious things that come with life..spouse, children, etc
10 things I like...
Snickers, it really is the best candy bar
Pepsi, no soda is like it
Whoppers, one word..yum
Iris flowers, so unique and different
Journey, their music pulls me through decades, back to my childhood
French horn music, simple, bellowy greatness
Sleeping Beauty, my fav Disney gal
Fire & Ice roses, most beautiful roses
Books, I could get lost in B&N
Earrings, can not go out without them
Extra credit::: My Hair

Hmmmm now for 10 dislikes
Lying, biggest DISLIKE
Dishes, worst chore ever
Insecurity, all aspects; within myself or physically
Sour crout, like what the hec!!
Clutter, you'd have never thought, living with me
My feet, years of wear = pain
The Cold, nuff said
Lazy people, or better said lazy and don't care
Fear, I hate fearing the unknown

Kay, kids that's it..my like and dislike list;)
Onto day 3...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30days, 1month, one crazy lazy mom

May Day..a day of festivities, spring sunshine, love in the air..and in my home challenges.

This is also my birth month...this year  I'm turning 36..yikes! But to celebrate all that May is, I'm going to do a few challenges. What you say, again!?!
I know, I know...eventually, one day, perhaps this is the month....I will meet a challenge, and finish it!!!

Challenges for the month..
- Daily writing on my blog.
- Cleaning
- Photos of the kids..yep will be uploading them.
- Getting a dream I've had for years...up and running.
- Abs and workout

Yikes! That's a lot for an A.D.D. person, who can barely finish any "project" I have for myself.
Saw a post the other day...I'm OCD & ADD...I'm crazy organized but can't focus long enough to do it more than one day at a time, or even more than one hour!!

So, there's my first day challenge to write a bit about myself...I'm very organized and driven but...most of the times I get so bored and forgetful..that something else takes over my time.

Now, onto cleaning, perhaps sweat some, and take a pic or two....oooo what's that shiny thing?