Monday, March 8, 2010


I heard this on the radio this morning been melding with my brain-- and has stuck with me all day....hmm:)


What would you do if I gave you a $50.00 bill?

Be pretty excited right? Think of what you could do with a $50? There's a lot of worth in that lil bit of paper.

But then I take it back.

Roll it up into a tiny little ball, no bigger than a piece of trident gum.

Still want it? - well yeah? It's $50 right!

Kay, so I'm going to take it back again...

This time I get it nice and wet - fibers and all. It kinda turns grayish-black.

Still want it?

So what if I take it, all rolled up and bent up, wet and dripping of water - but now

I find a nasty puddle of mud, you know the really gross stuff that you would never ever walk into with your shoes.
I dip the soaked rolled up bill, into the mud and leave it there for awhile, letting all those fibers soak in the nasty stuff - but right before I get it out, I stomp on it, march all over it.

I reach down, pull it out of the mess.

Do you still want it?

Think about it - $50.00 that's a nice couple bags of groceries, a good portion of your utilities this month...still want it?

You bet

It has worth.

No matter the wrinkles, the dirt that is crusted over, the stomping and crushing of this piece of money there's worth to it.
How many people have stomped on you this month? What about today?

Does life come in and cover you with dirt and mud? Has the world crumpled you into a little balland tossed you to the curb?
Do you feel like no matter what you do - no one sees you shine,

no one sees your worth?

You may lay in your curb, covered by rain and mud,
laying in the excess trash of the world around you -
but someone has looked down
someone reaches out and picks you up
wipes you clean
holds you up to the SON
and smiles because HE has found something of Worth.

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