Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Buried Life

So, bored as I get sometimes being home while munchkins are in school - I went searching for a new show on TV I have yet seen. Now I'm not a huge fan of MTV - well I'm not even a small fan....not since they stopped playing music that is...but this show caught my eye.

The premise is that if you had one day left of life - what is the one dream you would want to fulfill.

Now let's say you have a lot of days left of life - how many more dreams are added to your list?

A few guys decided to make something of their days left, and accomplish their dreams - now for every dream they get to fullfill, they will decided to choose one stranger, and help fulfill one of their dreams too.

Ok - so the premise is really really interesting - it caught my attention as did the dream they were trying to fulfill > Play basketball with President Obama.
Yeah, they got all the way up the "ladder" from radio stations, through congressmen, through a Secretary of a dept.
...but alas, their dream could not be fulfilled -but seriously that's huge right there...to get to talk with a congressman or secretary - face to face!

--- so this begs the question...
if you had one day left of your life - what is the one dream you would want to accomplish.
I personally have no idea......I should dream more.

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