Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Challenge - 8

So I'm on my third part of my challenge to write a bit more. A 30 day challenge that I found. Today's challenge is number 8, Fears.
Eight is a lot of fears...this post may take me a few days to write...I don't think I have many, but then again I may.

8 Fears...

1. Dark
I'm a grown adult who is very afraid of the dark. Yep I'm admitting it. Though if you know me, this isn't a secret - lol. I blame my older brothers who while watching me as a child - also watched Freddy & Jason. The lights, or a light, is always on...and yep I run up the stairs when exiting the basement.

2. Security
I. Always. Need. To. Feel. Secure. Toss it up to daddy's lil girl, or dating and marrying a guy twice my size, but that's me.

3. Unknown/What if?
I'm a pessimistic by nature. I hate the unknown. The unknown of the future, weather, money, my kids, my family..even tomorrow i think the worst. I am very much a control freak - completely ok with spontaneity as long as I am the planner lol - but I want to know everything will be ok. What if something bad happens?

4. My kids safety
And with that is the safety of my family. Not just their security, but also long term health and happiness. I have a hard time just trusting that to God. I fear for them and the unknown around them. And if you don't have kids in school...older than 4/5th grade...oh just wait. They go from sharing everything to the worst word in the human language...FINE. Everything is just Fine.

5. Death
Not mine. I'm secure in my faith in God. I'm more concerned with others deaths.
When I hit my 20's, all my "Greats" were dying...Great aunts and uncles, Grandparents, etc.
In your 30's you go through a funeral-less life..for the most part. I dread the 40's and 50's, when the strong ones I have looked up to all my life, grow weak. Like the strong women I call my aunts....they have always been there in my life, like pillars. Full of life and joy and strength, one day they will grow weak. Or my uncles who have been holding the backbone of the family - since my grandparents are dead. There will be a switch over..the young will grow tall, pillars of the family. And then there's my parents...what then? Life is a in and one out. The most important part is what happens along the way.

6. Goal setting
I rarely set goals. Not cuz of the outcome, I don't think I'm afraid of failure...I'm afraid of not knowing how to get there. Do you have a goal - like something outrageous you know nothing about...
Perhaps it's to climb a mountain? Seriously where do you start!? Yep that's the fear - where the heck do I start? lol

7. Height
I. Hate. Rollercoasters. - they go so HIGH. Stomach drops, eyes close, mouth opens anddddddd fall.
Remember that pessimistic thinking, yeah I'm the percent that will fall.

8. Ear-wigs
They Are Nasty. Give me a spider, a bee, a fly, a worm, even a centipede....but I Hate EAR WIGS.
 EWW this is my space...all others get out...

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