Thursday, February 18, 2010

True Friendship

So, instead of bothering to babble about what I've been doing for the past 6 odd months - let's just focus on today.

Today - day 5 of this crazy, flatten me flat on my back, achy body, swelling throat - nasty wicked cold...yep just a cold. Which for those who don't have a medical degree means - you don't get to take squat from a dr. - cuz you don't have a temp!

So, 4 days ago I became best friends with my friends.
Friend> Dictionary defines this as:
a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter
-now mind you they are in now way person(s) - but these guys truely got my back...not individually but all together, they hold hands, and carry me - ahhh.


Maureen Fitzgerald said...

So I'm curious if you find the Netti pot helps at all? I have one and every time I try to use it I wind up drowning myself, coughing and wretching and feel worse than when I started.

Tsa said...

Hmmm...I haven't completely jumped on the Neti pot bandwagon...I had (actually still have it) my sinus infection/cold/sickness thing for over two weeks....only once, one day did I ever have the junk come out while the "water" was pouring out of me.
I personally think it's a grown up version of the saline spray -- which works great with my kids, not so much for me.
What the neti pot did do was release the stuff actually in the sinus cavity right behind my nose....but like I said, this was ovr a two week process...and no joke 5 kleenex boxes!!! But I agree with the drowning process takes just the right angle to work:)