Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kissy Face

Natalie and I spent an afternoon watching Sleeping Beauty ( I think it's winning out against "Ella"...see previous Blog...but then again they are all still Ellas )

anyways - the rest of the afternoon we had "kissy face wars" - lots of fun, highly recommend it...it was fun watching her run after Tim :) lol

She got me:

Monday, December 10, 2007

someone deserves it...

have you had a parent that when you were a child, in the back seat as your parent was driving - used to (as the commotion was escalating back there) just start swinging and hitting everything while they were driving and saying "if you get smacked it's because you deserved it" - never quite paying attention to who started the fighting, started the screaming, or started the whining, but rather just cared someone got hit! LOL
i was succombing to being that parent yesterday - the "flu like" sickness that has entered our house, buckered down and made a home here with a mailing address - has turned my two precious gifts from God into whining, fighting, slapping, cross little monsters -- did I mention the man of our family isn't much help --- so as i came into the midst of the "commotion" i was all about the slapping and swinging - too bad though I can't succomb to it completely :(
if the whining doesn't stop (( this is why santa was "created" it makes a good threat for parents!! )) and the fighting and pickering doesn't staop and if I have to clean up one more puke situation ((you should see our carpet))
....i'm going on vacation - to heck with Christmas.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Days go on...

My lil' big girl is handling this potty training way way better than her older brother did. There's something interesting about girls - they REALLY don't want to be messy. She has not had an accident with pee yet, and twice now she has hit the toilet with the poo....thing is, that every other time with the poo - she kinda of misses it either before or later - some gets in her pants, hands, legs, toilet, and handles of the toilet -- melt down!
Now, I know exactly when she has to poo --- she asks for the diaper.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ella Pants

I'm almost - dare i say it - out of the diaper faze with my children.
Wow, can i say that out loud?!?

My lil Natalie is in big girl Pull Ups -- sleeping in diapers, and running around naked
through the day - but when she found out she was getting "Ella" pants -- she hit the lottery!

Ella pants...is her Cinder"ella" undies.
->on a side note I'm very against and pretty much have always boycotted the Cinderella fad....why? cuz I hate that Disney has only promoted HER throughout ALL of their merchandise? -- try finding even 1/2 the stuff of Cindy, with SlBeauty on it - and don't even get me started on Mulan or Pochy....me I have only promoted Belle with Natalie (brown hair, rose, etc) --- till now, now I give in :(

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What shall one do on a Sept afternoon...

hmmm so the month of Sept 2007 - will be one I'll never forget.

On an afternoon in Sept I called the Dr.... "Why am i still bleeding after a month?"
After tests...I was surprised to find I was pregnant!! - Shockingly so! - Especially cuz of the blood I was having oh let's say for the past month before ...

couple days later - found that i had either miscarried or was miscarring...another schocker.
so, what does one do on a sept afternoon when an hour ago you were planning names - and now considering what went wrong?

oh but Sept wasn't done...

couple days later - they found that the baby (actually 2 cells, never multiplied past that) was lodged into my Fall tube on the right side .... Ecoptic.
Solution - surgery or a drug to disintegrate....-took the drug.

oh and yet Sept drifts on...

one week later after feeling pain - ultrasound says nope not gone yet...still there!

not 24 hours later - i was rushed to the ER.....

~ the final week of Sept....

Went in for surgery - my Fall tube burst and they had to go in and take it out. Was in the hospital for 24 hours recovering - and still feel the pain!

Does the days in Oct get better?...nope.
On Oct. 5th - i put myself in the ER for severe chest pain and hip pain....
after 3 exrays, Catscan, and blood taken - diagnosed with Pleurisy and Pinched nerves.

hmmm - so what should I have doen that one day in Sept - yep, i did the right thing.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

5 years later....

i'm amazed at how much my little guy is no longer a lit guy - amazed.
5 years old.......
02 - through 07....my how he's grown!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

move time

"What shall we do today, Tim?"

"Let's move to when it's my birthday."

"Well, we can't do that because it's not till next week."

"Sure we can, your the Mom, you can do anything."

-awe moment.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

awe birthday season

so in having children - you want for them things you never had....tis why birthday's are huge in our house!
every 3 years, Tim gets a huge birthday w/ friends - now shocking though, every year b/tn them 3 years, it's not like we ignore him -- nope he still gets a party just with family.

this year the party will be TWO DAYS - family day 1, friends day 2.
i'm already exausted...
so here are "past" cakes - cuz ya know, i never had cool birthday awesome cakes - homemade by mommy....
1st birthday was a huge bash - all Ducks with a gigantic DUCK.

Cake for 2nd Birthday - Elmo in a Car - no car cake pan neither!!

3rd Birthday was just plain Matchbox Cars

4th Birthday was AWESOME - CARS themed, with a hand drawn
Lightening McQueen drawn in CHOCOLATE!

So - what is his 5th theme - transformers.
now i want to do this awesome.....my thoughts/ideas......
(let me know what you think!!)
#1 - Optimus Prime Semi #2 - a 3d transformer #3 - a plain drawn cake

Monday, August 20, 2007


so most ppl in the world eat for emotional reasons - mostly cuz their sad, depressed,

not me, no I couldn't be like others - coarse not!

No - i have to eat when I'm stressed.....i'm freaking out about something at the moment.....what do I do -- i actually caught myself reaching for the container of cookies!!!!

it was an out of body experience.

...so do i stress often? - you should see me!

Monday, July 30, 2007


IF you know me you know that i LOVE Old Country Buffet
not sure why, it's tastes well - go there and find out - but love the fact that
it's UNLIMITED FOOD - i joke every year i want to go there for my birthday...someday
someone will listen!!

saw this today on an events page on facebook

Event: Old Country Buffet
Network: Milwaukee, WI
Type: Other - Wedding Ceremony
Host: ASP Van 7
When: 5:45pm Monday, August 6
Where: Old Country Buffet

i'm still laughing my you know what - off.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Pirates Life For Me

Day Camp #2 - Pirate Party...."How I became a Pirate Book" & "Jonah the Movie" - was our entertainment and a Treasure Hunt was our activity.

Friday, July 13, 2007

ScrapFeak Pajama Party!!

I'm so excited to be scrapbooking again!! There are challenges, fun, scrapbooking, games - just a ton of Online Crop Fun...ALL NIGHT LONG!!



Seriously, where can I buy more???

Friday, June 29, 2007


I need random fun......
i need to run through a sprinkler wearing jeans - just cuz i can
i need to go give random acts of kindness - it needs to snow so i can shovel your walk way, or rake your leaves in the fall
i need to skip and run so fast my feet hurt
i need to fingerpaint - not on canvas or some big impressive took all day long to paint, painting -- but just some random finger/hand painting on a paper...then i need to hang it up
i need to catch fireflies
i need to make chocolate chip cookies and lick the spoon AND bowl - cuz i just need to not care about how bad it is to do that
i need to let my hair down
i need to randomly shop - walk into any big store (hey Walmart) and shop, take with me $20 and i need to onlyspend that much - just cuz i think i can't
i need to headbang
i need to get into a car with a full tank of gas and just go - taking friends with me and not caring where we go or what we are going to do
i need to blow a bubble
i need to know how many licks it really does take to get to a Tootsie Pop
i need to imagine
i need to take risks - i need to jump with eyes and arms wide open...when everything tells me I shouldn't-I should, just cuz.
i need to play
i need to spend that 25cents and get that plastic ring from that machine - then i need to wear it
i need to not stay in the lines
i need to pretend and dress up - be someone else for a day
i need to swing on a swing set
i need to ride a bike, and put playingcards in the wheel spokes and sound like a Harley

i need to dance in the rain
i need to wear pastels
i need to giggle
i need to sing out loud
i need to hug those around me
i need to laugh when all about me brings me to tears

yet i don't

Thursday, May 24, 2007

interesting II


when my 4 year old son gets upset with his sister - and yells, pushes, screams and basically becomes a bully towards her - crying she runs to moms arms

now 2 children later i have learned a few things - NEVER wipe booboos, until you know who actually CAUSED the booboos.....see if the sister is stealing toys, bracking crayons, and basically going out of her way to annoy said brother - well that's a different story.....and pretty much BOTH children get a good talking to

and in that single moment of repremanding the sister - the brother turns - it's so fast I get whiplash --- HE TURNS....he goes from being the annoyed brother, blaming basically anything wrong in the world on said sister, the one who would sell his sister for a puppy -boy, to the one who WIPES THE BOOBOOS, the protector, "awe natalie, it's ok, don't cry" hug, kiss, hug, wipe tears........now who's the bad guy? when did this happen to me?

I swear they both have me so wrapped around their pudgy little fingers I don't know where I begin or end!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Turning 30

ok 30 years ago....i was born.....also:

- Elvis Dies

- StarWars Episode IV - came out! - THE ORIGINAL

- Elizabeth II - celebrates 25th Anniv as queen.

- The First APPLE II goes on sale - COMPUTERS!!!

- The US Dpt of Energy is created!

- Snow fell in Miami - only time in history!

- Jimmy Carter is President

- ROOTS starts it's run on TV

- "Three's Company" debues on TV

- Canada enters our world of Baseball

- Eradication of smallpox

- British Airways - begins the Concorde Service b/n NY and London

- cost of a stamp is 0.17

- (3words) Saturday Night Fever

- Bing Crosby Dies

- "You Light Up My Life" - #1 Billboard Song

Quite a bit - not to mention, everything that has happened since then - think how much has been invented since I was born....just a few:

we went from albums, 45's, tapes, CD's, to micro music machines - IPODS!-- As We Know Them, Today::Computers - Microwaves - Cordless Phones - Cellphones - Heck all the cool cars, cuz well the stationwagons, kinda suck....all the great music came in my generation - everything from Madonna/ MJackson to NSync to Aerosmith.I can't say VHS was created - BUT it did come out in 1976 - ONE YEAR before I was born!!!!ummm - DVD players though were in my generation so much! - well at least they had fire and light before my life began.

Friday, April 20, 2007



Wednesday, April 11, 2007


natalie has crossed over the past month, into talking....a ton, in the past she's just been saying momma, dadda, puppy, baby - and echoing and doing the "sibling" talk with tim.
not that we understand exactly what she's saying, but she repeats everything she hears - which helps us understand (if we remember our original word) what she's saying.

Daddy is at work ---- dady erk

Where's Timm"y"? ---- u huh, mee (and then there's a point in the direction)

Bye bye Natalie ---- byebye momma

Cup ---- puck

(Dan and Lena's house is considered) ---- Puppie!!!!! (much excitement)

Poopoo (which is now her favorite to scream out in stores)
No, Natalie you don't have poopoo

and finally our least favorite GUK........(nuk)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


i am learning i am a people pleaser - i try to go out of my way to
please nearly everyone or anyone - when i say i'm gonna do something, i'll try
to double the effort in doing it.

and because of that, i'm continually disappointed that other people are NOT like me.
they say they will do something, they drop the ball, they choose not to show up,
they give an excuse, or forget to care at all - of course my A personality takes it personally
i blow, i fume, i scream at anyone who gets in my way --- knowing full well, other's are not
like me - they don't put a 110% into "everything"......nope they're not like me.

why can't they be?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Late Fav's

Ok, so my busy life may keep me from doing a Favorite Friday Item
But I was so excited and surprised and full of joy last friday - that my Favorite
item is:


My parents called us up and said, we are going up north till next monday (today) we'll take Tim...Holy Cow - Sleep In Weekend, Here We Come!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


standing at the counter paying for my rental "girly" movie....ok it was Step Up, very good.....

waiting for the receipt to sign

hack, cough, urp, hack - a very large old nasty twotoothed man is standing next to me
cough, snort, ((swallow snort/snot)), hack - he moves his left elbow and taps mine

'you seen Borat?'

no sorry i haven't

cough, snort

'it's funny, really really funny.....you should be renting that'

well maybe ((hack, cough, hack, snort)) next time


Friday, March 9, 2007

Friday Favorites...

Every Friday I'm gonna try and blog some things in my life, either that week or that day....helps me focus on the fun little moments of mommyhood I should be enjoying.

1. Tic Tac Toe - I have recently taught Tim how to play TTT, and well now we are working on, watching "the whole" game not just offense, but defense :) -- but taking 15 min out of my life to play this fun little game...well all the work can wait, can't it.

2. Sick Days - not for me, but for the kids. As mom's mostly we hate these days - kids are crying, whining, blubbery little people - and mostly not sleeping -- but then there's one aspect I've been enjoying this past week....my very independent daughter has been "cuddling" with Mommy more -- i have to cherish this little change in my daughters personality:)

3. Bread & Butter - I have figured out that this is my comfort food....seriously, it hits the spot when I'm just down in the dumps and need well, comfort food - hey it's better than chocolate.

And now for my favorite Picture of the Week - it wasn't taken this week, but it's our most recent:) ::

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Hello? Who's out there?


beep, beep, beep.....




beep, beep, beep.....


This is mommy's new alarm clock........Tim has decided he is a alien spaceship...as he flies through my bedroom....
at 7 am.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Hiro - you are my Hero!

Thanks for the read......

"Something has happened to me, I can hear people's thoughts."

So - I'm intralled with Heros!

I'm addicted - I need a HA Meeting!

And I'm sooooo bothered by the fact that I have to wait till April 23 - seriously the show is only once a week - they make me wait a whole 7 days till the next episode - and now, I have to wait almost TWO MONTHS????


I want to be a Hero.

I want to fly, I want to heal - I want them all - but if I had to only pick one --- hmmmm it might be the painter, cuz well I think that's just cool - yeah painting the future would be cool.

What Hero Do You Want To Be?

Monday, March 5, 2007

So above you will find yourself looking at the ocean surrounding Cozumel, Mexico. Yes I took these, and No you will not see me in any photos - Why You Ask? Cuz well I'm reminded constantly by my hubby - that everything put on here, well the world see's:) and if I choose to ever run for office - well let's not go there....no one wants to see me in a bathing suit:) lol

So you will have to believe me when I tell you that I was there - yep Mexico.

And well my Spanish Highschool Teacher would be not be proud.......
sorry Mrs. Lane - at no time did I stand on a pedestal and preach from Psalm 23 - the only remainder of spanish in my head......but let me just leave you with this bit of advice - maybe you should have taught me "Where's the Bathroom?" - which I could have used:) but no - you taught us Bible verses......."just incase" we ever go there.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Towels a Plenty

Ok, so if you ever have been a on a cruise you know they place these animal towels on your bed with a mint - so on a cruise all day, day - I took one class that teaches you how to make these cute animals - I can make the swan, elephant, dog (cutest) and the monkey.

Below are pics from our room and under that are pics from me making them:)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 2 - Key West

Well, Dan and I have been in the Key's in the past, so this wasn't a huge difference for us - but we had fun:)

Pic 1 - Our Tour Train - we learned about all the comings and goings of KeyWest! How it came to be - the buildings, the flowers, and even about Hemingway Pic 2 - Farthest most point of the United States

Ok, for dinner that evening we were in restaurant: Animators - it's the one that changes colors, and images....well it's cool, kinda - by the end of the evening, the whole restaurant is a diff color and a "show" happens with Mickey!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

a big Big BIG BOAT...

So now that it's been 1 week since I got back from the Mickey Boat - I'm finally feeling settled - so I thought I'd drop a few "moments" in time while on the floating array of character fun!

Our first night on the boat - we opened the door to our "Stateroom" - not room, not boatroom, not hotel room - they are called staterooms - now we my hubby and I have been on cruises before - open door and walk into bed persay - and sit on toilet with feet in shower stall persay - very cramped indeed -- The Disney Stateroom - and yep IT should be called that, was THREE TIMES bigger than ANY cruise room I've ever been in - and we had the cheapest room.........

Two bathrooms, King Bed, Double door closet, a couch that flipped into a bed for Tim, and armoire, and a huge desk/dressor - tv - and....AND ..... AND a portale to the real world of ocean blue.

Our dinner that night was in "Lumiere's" - a nice French Restaurant complete with all rose items - with a GIGANTIC mural of Beauty and the Beast - we found out that our server was for the week - Emmanual - and we'd be switching between restaurants everyday - he would always be our servor.....More Tomorrow - every day I'll add more stuff:)

Chandelier in Lumiere's - can you find the roses?

Mural in Lumiere's -
Another chandelier - love the "hanging rose" - it was really beautiful!