Friday, October 7, 2011

Ganiere #4

I will update this with all the excitement, firsts, kicks, hiccups, etc - as a moment comes now and then...but I really wanted to get these belly pics up....I have never really taken the initiative to take a pic with the same outfit, the same time of day, but different days -- so the viewer gets a really good idea as to how the lil one is, I came up with the snowflakes in the back, since this lil one is due in DEC!!

22 weeks & 24 weeks

26 weeks & 28 weeks


yeah, where to start - Ummmm.

It's October - one of the warmest weeks in a long time, I've packed up the summer items...a bit too early it seems. Kids want to wear shorts....sorry, they are packed, go put on a sweater!

29 weeks - where has the time gone? where has my hips gone? And when is the next time I will sleep a full nights sleep with an ACH coming out of my mouth.

Fall - summer was soo busy, I feel like I missed it! Already into the midst of fall - the beauty, the smells, the decor...some of us wait all year for this time!

Lil DD - turned 3 yesterday - THREE!
After pizza and green soda (Jones) we gave the lil miss her gift
....a talking Woody...which she has not let go of since last night -
apparently we did good on that one!!!

DS - turned 9 - NINE in August....
with a camping celebration that well, didn't quite go as planned:(
With rain and the lack of time for smor's....
let's just say thank goodness we had gifts!!

And they are off - starting school! One in 3rd grade...more homework!! And my princess started her year in 1st grade!!! It's been challenging, but God continues to give us patience in all the struggles we face.

Friday, August 12, 2011

2 years old right?

My lil 2 year old DS - my precious lil one - yeah, she walks into the living room, stomps her feet, hands on her hips, and says something in her 2 year old language...Huh? When did my 2 year old become 20 years old??

It used to be the tween's wanted to be teens...
then I noticed my 5 year old wanting to be a teen...
now my 2 year old?

Seriously this lil one in me, is going to come out snappin it's fingers 3 times at me in the "Z" formation.

On a side note -- Got somethings off my goal list this week....:)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I'm titling this post Time - well because I"m running out of it!!! I'm headed into the last month of the 2nd trimester -- Where the heck did the time go??!!
Next week I go for my dr. appt - I will update my stats at that time:) - Had my ultrasound this past Monday, and still not wanting to know the sex...tho I'm thinking it's a girl.

There's just SO much to do!!
And everyone advises tackle one thing at a time...well, I have another blog, called Goals, I'm barely keeping this one afloat so - let's just blend the 2 here is my to do list.

Computer: Plans:
Update my site on thebump Canada Trip
Change my title/pic for this blog Halloween
move pics around on fbk Open House/Christmas

House: Basement:
Windows 1/2 hour+ each day organizing/throw out.
Gutter 4 bags min. thrown out - TWO DOWN!
Girl's room - DONE Laundry catchup
Cleanout Lvg room toys/books
Tim's room - DONE
Our room Garage:
Kitchen cabinate organize 1/2 hour+ each day organizing/throw out.
Fridge situation/clean - DONE Room to park
Hall closet - DONE
Coat closet

Pics of Belly weekly
Blanket - work on Girl's and Babies
Scrapbook - Finish Natalie's & Abi's
Cross-stitch - Baby Items
Christmas - Projects for each child
Christmas - Plan & Attack
Sept - tread mill walking & Tag Centr

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19 - Baby update

So, decided not to find out the sex of this one, our last. It was soo much fun guessing and questioning during labor about Abi - no it wasn't fun being wrong tho!! But I think with the cold months ahead of me (they are coming right? As I sit here with 99.9 outside!!) I think it'll be one lil thing that will keep me going, to the finish line.

I'm trying to make this last prego time an enjoyable one, planning on doing a prego photo shoot - though I didn't with any of the I had time for that! or money!!

Well I hit 18 weeks today - I think I'm going to start taking pics of my lil (actually HUGE) bump tonight...but if I get one on here, then I will have hit a goal - i
f not, well I do have a crazy life:)

Stats: gained 2lbs
HtBt: 153lbs
Bldpressure: 118/63

18wk baby (not mine):

So, let's see... (June)

Oh those months, those were NOTHING...nope, nada, nuthin compared to JUNE...

> June 1 - last day of school, first day of CRAZINESS.

> June 2...amongst the crazy life - i get a huge bouquet of flowers...delivered...his goal was to show more romance:)

> June 6th...started wearing maternity, yeah...maternity -- only 1.5 months.

>great quote from Abi: (standing on a skateboard) "it not moving, i no, how to do it!"

was planning a scrapbook weekend with Lena...then:
> June 16th - went into the Dr for some pain issues around my belly..few hours later I was being prepped for Appendix surgery!!!!...that was a Thur (a day my dr doesn't work)
>One week later - went back to Dr becuz my stomach was covered in rashes....apparently I am now allergic to adhesive...who knew!! (also another day my dr wasn't working)
>One week later - went back to Dr rashes spread....but only on arms and knees and with a allergic to sun now??!!?? (also again a day my dr wasn't working) the following week, my Dr and I decided to no longer leave my house on Thur - or I will need to get a pager just for her and me....either way July...all is well!!

So, let's see... (May)

Darn it I'm determined to keep this's like the crocheted blanket, I just never finish!!!

So for May 2011....

> Well for starters - I took a test on April 15th, not a handwritten test, or a driver's test, or even a personality test...nope this involved me and a stick....and a positive!

>May 1 - so we announced to the world..."So I guess we need a van"

>I also started a blog about the baby on'm on there as much as I'm on here!

>On a lighter side, in May Tim started soccer...for the 2nd time in his short life...this time, he enjoyed it, and has played every practice and game - without complaint!!

>I celebrated a birthday (not going in that:)...but my lil girl also turned 6 on May 21...with a princess celebration - and all her wonderful princess friends.

>May 26th - my first appt!!!

alas my crazy life.

So, let's see... (April)

There's no big rock I've been living under, or some 3rd world country that I planted my behind in - just haven't been on here in what seems like A LONG TIME...a whole life time actually.

So, let's see what has happened since March...hmmm...

>Easter was good:) - Kids had a blast looking for their baskets again....I of course having to outdo myself every year stayed up - filling and primping something they will tear apart in 10 hours!!

>April 25 - My lil Big Girl - finally went into the big girl bed - and my DH accomplished something:) The bunk bed is up and enjoyed by both girls, and haven't had any falls (knock on the wood) yet.

>Had a great celebration for the England Wedding - with my girl friends....and yes fit back into a dress I haven't worn since before Tim:)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Outdoors Getaway?

Been looking at the many, many options for a vacation this year. Like so many years we will go camping of course, and the typical treks out to family...but oh how to make them more fun than just a 6hour drive? ... ROAD TRIP:)

So, in my crazy endeavor I'm in the midst of planning a 3 day course around 4 states...stopping every so often in small towns, to enjoy the sweetness of said town, in the summer months. Some would question my plans -- wouldn't it be easier to just go to a waterpark with 3 lil kids -- nope I'm bound to add more gray hair & cram the 3 lil ones with hubby and me in our bitty crv :)

More to come:)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Miracles anyone?

I'm not a Katy Perry fan - but I am a fan of Firework - a song of hers. The song talks about being a nobody, feeling useless, feeling like there's no purpose, and then goes on to explain that all you need to do is "ignite, the light, and let it shine" - find your spark...find what makes you, YOU.

Recently I was in a discussion with friends about MIRACLES. How they don't seem to be around us, everywhere, like they were in Biblical days.....hogwash. I think in our western thinking, our lazy, news changes everyday, type thinking - we have just learned to "look over" and "forget" our miracles. In the "making of Katy's video - she asks young people from all over Europe to write her, tell her their story, their "spark" -- and a young woman talks about being born, unable to see --- and now, has a dream to be a professional photographer....who sees. Yep, you read right...she can see.

You walk away from seeing that, and go, cool she can see! In ten minutes you'll forget her story. A MIRACLE, that we as the audience just will look over, and forget.

How many miracles are all around you? How many miracles are in your life? Yeah, the sun rising is pretty good, still owning your home in this recession - i agree is a bit of a miracle, even having children is such an awesome moment in our lives.
But, have you ever witnessed a miracle - saw the IMPOSSIBLE be POSSIBLE?

An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

vacation, Anyone??

Awhile back I talked about vacations - and here I am, still in the midwest, still under snow, still bundled up in the cold -- Can't think of a better time for a vacation!!!

But alas - we have no time for one!! Yeah, if I was able to take a week from my life, I would really need to use that time to fix my life - let's say paint:)...ok louder PAINT!! lol

And it's not like I can just pull the kids out of school......or can I...hmmm, they don't call me Mom for nuthin:)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

a quote in time.

Feb 2011
Abi is 2 years old
And has been running around the house lately saying...

"me abi, i poooop"

the simplicity of childhood.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Ok, so I have a question to ask to someone, well you know that "person" "out there" everyone asks questions to, the one who may know Anyways it's a perfectly good here we go...

Why does Disney offer great discounts to Florida residents? I mean hello? Who are we, ya know the ones that live 28 hours away, who have to pay additional money just for airfare???
That, on NO level, makesany sense - at all!!

But that's not the question...

Why, oh why can I not get a great deal on a vacation, oh I don't know - right in my own state - yeah, like Florida residents have in theirs?? Hmmm??
AND furthermore - why the heck does it cost over 200.00 to stay DURING THE WEEK, for ONE night at a waterpark in the dells....did I mention ONE NIGHT!!....IN WINTER!!!
Ok, yeah, they give me the entertainment of the waterpark, but that's it....just a room a bed and day of watery fun (can anyone say, local ymca?) -- but I can FLY...kay get this...

I can FLY to Florida for under 150.00!!!!

Does that make sense? To anyone??

So I have decided that anyone who goes to these waterparks that are over 200.00 in the PEAK of Winter and over 400.00 in the PEAK of summer -- Crazy. Yep I said it -- why oh why would you put yourself through the ringer of that much money PER NIGHT

......go take your money to the people in Florida -- apparently they need it more, cuz they are lowering prices for their own citizens just to get them in the gate.

And there's my piece on the Travel Woes of Today!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh Mom!!

I figured out the best money making service out there...The Best! I'd pay big bucks for this!!
Here's the gist - when your kids get sick - us Mom's we take care of them, right!?
And when our hubbies are sick - us Wife's we take care of them, right!?

What about when WE get sick??

Been dealing with a 24 hour bug - - has all my joints hurting and so extremely'd think I was preggo (not!). When it hurts to pick up the cup your daughter dropped on the floor, or to even get a coat on to go outside - ya know something's wrong. But, I wasn't sick...I mean I wasn't bent over the nice oval thrown getting sick - hence I couldn't figure out what was wrong!

Then after the kiddos were sleeping and the DH went out for a bit - the chills came!!

OH THE CHILLS....I was shaking and shaking hard! I was running (ok maybe not running) to the bathroom - not to bend over the thrown - oh no, but to sit on it - constantly!!! And the chills were so bad I couldn't do basic things like hold my phone (it fell out of my hand) and turn the light switch on (yeah kept missing it)!

Thank Goodness for Tylenol:)
Hours Later - MUCH MUCH BETTER:)

Anyways - back to my idea of a way to make myself rich:) -- Hire a Mom!

Yep - create a company of ladies who are called upon - when the real Mom - needs a day or two off because she's sick!! This would include taking care of the Mom duties in the household, but also be a Mommy to the sick mommy:)

yeah yeah, I know what you're saying -- we got that already.... Called Grandma:)

Monday, January 3, 2011

... And who will I be this year? What lays before me?
A year from now how will my life be different?

Let me take a moment and ponder that...I'll get back to you in December.