Monday, December 3, 2012

An Advent Season 2012 ~ pt.1

Now with 4 in our home - I'm wanting to start some new traditions...having pinterest is helpful too!
Every year we have done some sort of Advent calender - our fav has been putting lil pounches on our Christmas tree, with treats and candy that the children take turn finding.

This year I wanted to do more of an activity, something fun as a family each day. This can be as simple as card making or as elaborate as snow painting. So I have come up with 25, yes 25 random fun things to do as a family. Most of these we do every year, but this time I can be a bit organized and not try to do everything all at once, and missing out on others - and in the long run not feeling guilty about not doing that special activity!

And to add to the "opening" of a window, I have decided to put together 25 Christmas books that I wrapped and randomly numbered. In each book, is the day's activity. We open up our books in the morning, allowing mom to plan out the day's activity and before bed we read the book together. I wrapped them all up, so no one can peek!!

Now, this was not an easy feat! Who has money to shop for new books, at Christmas ~ especially after all the gift shopping is done! Well, there is this great concept in our society - goodwill & resale shops...I didn't pay over 1.00 for any of the books!!
Now, over the next few years the books will change I'm sure, keeping the ones we really like.

So in my future "pt.2" post I will list all the titles of the books, and our activities that we do...since I didn't keep a list, we'll all just have to wait till they are opened! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

baking yumminess!

I love baking, give me any excuse to spend a day in my kitchen, rolling dough, scooping cookies, crushing crackers - making the kitchen warm, cozy, and smelling wonderful!

Today I'm baking up a storm for a group coming to our youth group - I'm signed only for 1 batch of cookies and a batch of brownies....but that's no fun!!

So, my plan - cuz it's fall and you have to include apples!! - are these yummy cookies:
Apple Cookies!
and because everyone loves a good chocolate cookie:
Chocolate Cookie.

And my brownies - well, one pan just isn't enough, nor is just a box of, after owning many jelly-roll pans, gonna try Texas Sheet Cake!
Texas Sheet Cake

I will post pics at another time -- off to pull my first batch out of the oven!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

inexpensive yumminess

so this one, isn't mine - i can't claim it.
but OH it's good:)

i have 6 people in my family now...and our grocery bill hasn't gone up much - I refuse!
and pinterest...what did we ever do without pinterest - oh, i know..have recipe books, recipe books with pictures - which is the only kind i like!

this awesome inexpensive yumminess, is from pinterest!
These are mini chicken pot pies - now, i don't have any pics...cuz our family of 6 ate them all!

but, feel free to head over to the blog, that i found - again a new "friend" of mine...and try them,
you'll like it!!
Mini Chicken Pot Pies - The Country Cook

now, I only used 3 chicken breasts - yep 3...and it made 24 biscuits!!!
and to have even more fun - my veggies were broccoli, peas, and corn - yellow & green for the PACK!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


do you ever just stand in your laundry room, overtaken by the huge amount of fabric, and just stand in awe. where do these clothes come from - there's no way all this can fit in their drawers! if it's all in here what are they possibly wearing right at this second?!
in this day and age my children need nothing - nothing at all when it comes to clothes. i'm over taken by the latest sales at stores, pulled in by the great deals at resale shops - for what reason!?! to add MORE to this pile!
i remember having a few of everything - not more then around 3/4 of any one thing - my children, they can go 2 weeks + without me having to do laundry...and that's just whites/jeans...course then i'm literally doing laundry for days straight.
yesterday i read an article about how to keep the home "sane" ... her first suggestion is to not put off to the weekend, laundry; that if you do a load a day, you will be caught up.
...let's just say she obviously doesn't live here - here where on average i do 3-4 loads a day, not including bedding.
my son is a jean and tshirt kinda guy - he has tons...ok, not tons but well over 20 tshirts. oh and pjs the boy could live in pj bottoms every night of the week and weekend. so i asked him yesterday as i handed him 2 stacks of just pj bottoms...if he has room for these - he laughed and said nope, his drawer is already full.
WHOA - hold up. he has 2 stacks - about 10 pj bottoms, that i just handed him, and his drawer is still full in his room. and that's JUST THE BOY. - we won't even go into the very full girls room - a room with 1 closet fitting 3 girls.
if i took all the hours of my week of when i'm doing laundry - it's a job! i'm gone from my life, in my basement - lost in a sea of fabric - lost, Missing, to the world.

one things for sure - i'm not buying a piece of clothing for any of my children till after christmas...3 months, i could do it right? probably, i should carry a pic of my laundry room with me every time i leave the house, to remind me where i'm lost ever day.


my lil 4 year old in the bath

"Momma, I'm rinkly"
"Yeah you must be getting old!"
"No, it's cuz I'm in the bath."
"Oh, I thought you were turning into a grandma."
"Grandmas are rinkly all the time, cuz they take baths and showers every day"

luv her!

Thursday, September 27, 2012


It's the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don't deserve

It's the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just to real
It takes everything you have just to say the word...

It flies in the face of all your pride
It moves away the mad inside
It's always anger's own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge
Say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It's the whisper in your ear saying 'Set It Free'

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible

It'll clear the bitterness away
It can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what it's power can do
So, let it go and be amazed
By what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you


I want to finally set it free
So show me how to see what Your mercy sees
Help me now to give what You gave to me

but I have to care, just one ounce to forgive, don't i?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Having a Bad Morning?

when you are having a bad horrible rotten everything sucks, very bad day...
think of me:
10:50 right now...

almost an hour ago - I went into a bedroom to put clothes away, I then hear my precious 3 year old start screaming...'SHE'S POOPING, ON ME!!'
(What the world, right??!!??)

I walk in the living room to see...
3 yr old standing screaming
baby on all fours, with her diaper and bottoms, lodged in her "crack", and poo oozing out
3 yr old has poo down one leg, on her foot, between her toes..and still screaming.
baby has it down both legs, on arms, and fingers....and wait for it...
in slow motion...hand GOING...INTO...MOUTH.

>we pause here to "notice" the poo in the rug..IN the rug, not on.

....there just isn't enough patience, wipes, soap, spray, wash, hand santitizer, the whole of this house.
Yeah, that's been my day...can't wait for more fun. Life with 4, yep:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

another 5, has passed

Do you have that one thing that reminds you of your children? That "thing" that you see in a store and think - "___" would love that.

My son - it's Transformers. As T has gotton older, his love of them hasn't dwindled. He likes other stuff, lots of other stuff - but when he sees a yellow sports car with black stripes drive down the road - he's all about  Bumble bee. When we see a big semi with 2 smoke stacks (is that the technical word?) - it's all about Optimus.

So 2 years ago I painted this on his wall - super super easy. You need a picture, a transparency, a projector, and paints & a's the Evolution of Optimus.

But alas what was once a lil boy - is now 10 - DOUBLE DIGIT people!!
Another 5 has passed, and where he once has a Transformers themed bedroom, a Transformers themed birthday party, backpack, tshirts, coats,'s all falling away.

One day -- he will ask me to paint over this mural....he's getting there, adding pictures all around it, where once it was solid white - so all would see O.P. One day some sports guy, or a pic of some girl, will cover it.
Not now, tho -- he's still my lil boy.

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Letter to my Son...8/2012

I have written letters on my children's first birthdays, that I put aside till they are going away to college.

But my son turns 10 this year, actually this week. And I've been contemplating some things I could do for him from me, for this special Double Digit time in his life.
Through the powers of Pinterest (it's taking over the world isn't it!?!) I found a letter written by Tina Fey, to her daughter that was published in her book. The letter has humor and truth to it ~ making it completely personal from mommy to daughter. 

So I decided to take her idea, and humor at times, and create my own lil prayer for Tim for the next 10 or so years. With a few of Tina's words, a bit of my own, adding some of Tim's personality, and a bit of my prayerful it is:

My prayer for Tim:

First Lord, teach me to see him as, A Blessing. A Miracle. A Joy. My Gift.

Remind him from time to time that his daddy is a superhero. Who will move mountains, jump from building to building, fly across the world, and take a bullet for him.

For him…please no tattoos. May no Chinese symbol, no little birds flying away, or tiny flower or design, stain his precious skin. May Your words be on his heart, not his arm.
When the crystal meth is offered or the joint is passed his way, may he remember he is a temple and have the courage to walk away.

Guide him and protect him…when he crosses the street, is within the water, standing, walking, running, on a bike, on a scooter, on a motorcycle, in a car…when he is down on this earth and when he is above it. 
While he walks in foreign land, at home or away, 
I pray his footsteps become footsteps of faith.
Keep him protected from anything high, anywhere, at any age....but when he quivers around all that is high...remind him of Your protection.
Guide him Father, when he walks…when he begins to walk away from us.

Help him to learn to play drums, to his own fiery rhythm of His Own Heart, so loud, that he will not hear the cadence of the other drummers.

Remind him fighting is never the answer. But also remind him to fight for what he believes in, and to not let others take his beliefs away.

Help him to find something he will be passionate about, something where he can make his own hours but still feel fulfilled. Help him see outside the window, everything that YOU created. The simple breeze through the trees, the beauty in a flower, the sun upon his face, the perfectness of a snowflake.

Teach him to crawl again. Now that he is running, he is moving faster through life. In a few years he will be sprinting, and once he is behind the wheel he will take off. 
Let him be still holding a matchbox car for a few years before he is holding the keys to one.

And when he looks up and sees her. Let his mind not be flooded with only thoughts of her, but help him to remember me, his sisters, his grandmothers, and all the other women in his life. Help him to remember to care for her like a fragile flower. 
To honor her like women should be honored. Help him to love her as You love her.

One night Lord, he may be up walking the halls with his beloved. 
He will see her in pain and he will have no clue what to do. 
How can he help her? How will he do this? Will he be a good father? 

Remind him Lord, all the years of him learning to love, from his daddy, from his Father.
And when he’s up walking and rocking the new lil one, changing his lil one, loving his lil one, remind him Lord these words… 

“My mother did this for me once.”

August 2012
-excerpts taken from Tina Fey

Thursday, August 16, 2012


i always seem to be looking for time & energy
starting to think i need to be better at the time given

hubby and i just got back from our anniversary trip in bahamas
such, SUCH a relaxing vaca
some travelers need to fill up their time with things to do, places to see
this trip was all about me, my honey, some sand, and island breeze
do nothing in the sun type of trip
and we had it

but that really is the feel of the islands
i was told the bahama's has a 3s policy
sit, stop, stay
yeah that pretty much covers it

it's slower, time is enjoyed
food is savored and drinks are sipped

i may have purchased a few souvenirs from the islands
but i have brought back something even better
a sense of "calm"
3 s
sit - stop - stay

~ purchased an ebook with some recipes - I'm on the search for something, anything that tasted as good as the Jerk Chicken Caesar Salad we had pool side...soo good! And I hate spice!  I will post when I get down with my first try - Blackened Fish (Tilapia not in the midwest have no idea how good fish can be!) - maybe cut open a coconut :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Can someone...

please find me some time? I would love to redo furniture...all flea market-y...make my home all vintage-y.
please find me some time? I would love to spend an entire day in the kitchen, making lots and lots of food & that a word?
please find me some time? I would love to spend some quality time with the kiddos - making, building, creating, exploring...any type of adventure would do!

and yet we are only given a bit..a tiny bit of time...when it's gone, it's gone

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Writing I Will Go...

Has it really been since April? - Man, alot has happened...alot has made me happier:)
Let me fill ya in....

I spent a good 3-4 months having a bit of a post-partum...nothing on the drastic side...but just an overall - dislike of mommyhood. And then the last week of April hit, and well I was away, one way ticket, taking an empty suitcase, thumb up on the side of the road...done.

Well, then I had the nerve to ask for help - found it:)...and began a "not worry or stress" so much attitude - which led to a much happier Mommy, leading to a happy baby and all around home.
Unless you have had post-partum...don't judge, turn off your head, you have no clue. You really don't, I look back now, and can't believe I'd wake up loving my lil girl, holding her, etc...and by noon I wanted nothing to do with her - Nothing. Could have cared's a horrible feeling:( What a horrible mom I was right? kids would say differently...cuz when they asked for candy  ... I said I don't care. When they asked for ice cream...yep said I don't care. For about 3 days, they got to do whatever they wanted for 2 hours...between school and Daddy getting home:).
During that time I had no desire to be a mom - much less a mom of an infant.

Help: Get it, You deserve it.

Now to vent:

Have you seen Extreme Couponing? Or in this house what we call, Hording.
I have seen all the shows on hording, I get it - it's really a disease...this need for more. A desire to keep or hold onto something...I go through that with scrapbooking items...don't judge!
So why am I venting? Have you seen the show? Have you seen the many, MANY people who get what they get - cuz it's FREE??!!
And they line there rooms, closets, garages, and their bedrooms - kicking their spouses or kids out of the way - with their precious FREE ITEMS...oh but it's ok, it's "organized".

What the heck are you gonna do with 6 mo worth of diapers when you 
DON'T HAVE A BABY!?!?!?!?! 
Walk your butt to your precious piles...grab them diapers that you just have to have, "incase" you have a child one day...pack up your car - drive down to your food pantry and 

Toothpaste? Go give them away on the streets of your innercity.
Vitamin water? Go to your local school and give them to the coaches for their players.
Cereal? Go back to your local school, in your innercity - cuz they need food for their students for breakfasts!!!
NOODLES? Did you know there is actually AN EXPIRATION on non expiration foods?? Yeah, anything that has flour/ gets bugs - lots of nasty bugs.


You ain't ever gonna use your 5,000 rolls of paper towels before you die. There are some of these people who live and breath for their coupons...don't get me wrong, I use them, I save lots with them..FOR STUFF I ACTUALLY USE.
You have an actual talent and desire -- fine a use for that...cuz your husband wants his garage back, and your kids want to play in the basement. Find a local food pantry - AND FILL IT!! With all and everything you can get your hands on...then you can continue your need to "get that 0.00 balance at the register". Keep for what your family needs (NEEDS)..and give to what your neighbor needs.

yeah. there. i vented.
just an observation:)

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Life at the moment - with 4


1.a person who runs away; fugitive; deserter.
2.a horse or team that has broken away from control.
3.the act of running away.
4.a decisive or easy victory.
5.a young person, especially a teenager, who has run away from home.


1.a state of mind in which one is troubled; worry, anxiety, or concern: He was never free from care.
2.a cause or object of worry, anxiety, concern, etc.: Their son has always been a great care to them.
3.serious attention; solicitude; heed; caution: She devotes great care to her work.; charge: He is under the care of a doctor.
5.temporary keeping, as for the benefit of or until claimed by the owner: He left his valuables in the care of friends. Address my mail in care of the American Embassy.
6.the lack of


adjective, sad·der, sad·dest.
1.affected by unhappiness or grief; sorrowful or mournful: to feel sad because a close friend has moved away.
2.expressive of or characterized by sorrow: sad looks; a sad song.
3.causing sorrow: a sad disappointment; sad news.
4.(of color) somber, dark, or dull; drab.
5.deplorably bad; sorry: a sad attempt.

with·draw[with-draw, with-] 

verb (used with object) draw back, away, or aside; take back; remove: She withdrew her hand from his. He withdrew his savings from the bank. retract or recall: to withdraw an untrue charge. cause (a person) to undergo withdrawal  from addiction to a substance.
april 24 - i ran away

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No words...

smack dab in the middle of spring
just had easter
tulips are all up
birds are making claims on different areas of my property
as are the bees

life is always a bit crazy
we get done with one season
and we start plannin the next
never really living in the now

spring is over
when is school out?
what vacation are we taking this summer?
how about what am i doing in 5 min!?!
is it a chore? a job? what are you spending your life doing?
the birds are preparing, the bees are out building
tulips have already mastered their season of growth
because we are human, how about we take a moment...5 min
to hold onto the present.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring, Easter, Family Fun

I love holidays, really I love any excuse to sit all morning perusing over magazines, cookbooks, and now the new obsession Pinterest to come up with many wonderful ideas and goodies. Easter is no different.

Been coming up with so many cute and adorable plans - well for over a month now! The girls dresses have been purchased from my favorite lil store - Lots for Tots - such cute adorable dresses!! And the basket (or this year's idea is bags) have been planned too!!
Now for the food goodies and treats for school...

This morning I came up this adorable (have I used that word too much?) blog, from well, another mom who is "That Mom" know the kind of mom who has homemade goodies and cute parties....the kind of mom I have become!!
I'm making this blog my new friend - well the writer that is:)
Check it out!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

inexpensive yumminess

i love recipes
i love experimenting with recipes
i love recipes that feed my fam, inexpensively.
i will try to post the ones that are "awesome mom!" and "hun this one's a keeper"

so here is my latest... i apologize for not taking a pic...but it's veggie, meat, and crackers...easy to imagine.

Green Bean Pork (or chicken) Casserole
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/4 c milk
3 "shakes" Pork seasoning
3 "shakes" parsley
3 "shakes" onion powder
3 "shakes" pepper
1 c crushed saltines (or fried onions or stuffing mix)
1/4 c butter melted
4 boneless pork chops (chicken would be great too)
2 c frozen green beans

Heat oven to 350 degrees. In a greased oven proof casserole dish pour out the beans, ontop of the beans spread out your meat. (I cut my chops into 3 sections and laid them out).
In a bowl mix soup and milk, add your seasonings - or experiment with different ones. Pour and spread out the soup mix ontop of your meat.
Make your topping with cracker crumbs and butter - add more of either for consistency or amount. Spread ontop of soup mix.
Bake uncovered for 35-45 min til meat is no longer pink.


From my crazy house to yours.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Littlest of my princess' has sure been giving me a run for, well, the tissues!! Out of dire frustration - every day - we are still plugging away at nursing.
Yeah she is going through a bit of a nursing strike, as some call it. Though - she does have thrush on the inside of both cheeks, and my milk quantity isn't quite up to par, and she's kinda teething we think --but, she is going to be 3 months soon & nursing isn't new to her anymore.
So through daily tears and frustration we plug forward and onward. (why tears? well until you are holding your own child, while she is screaming and wanting the one thing you have, but can't give her -- or that you have and she won't take...well don't ask) I could give up, but alas I have control issues...and darn it, I will not let this get the best of me, lol. (yeah I laugh now, cuz she's sleeping).

On a completely other side of my mind is all the other ponders of my world.


Say what you will but there are some grand and wonderful things about it. Such as, I found this marvelous book....which led me to the woman's blog...which then I just had to buy the book.
Hmmm I will let you know my thoughts in the future.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Pinterest is becoming well, an obsession - but it's not like I'm letting it collect dust in all the stuff I think/dream about....I'm using it. A huge plus for me:)

My first big project, was taking all this great kid ideas I find & doing something about it. Saw this idea actually in a cookbook at target for only $1. Now, I could have bought the book - but why add another piece of junk and waste a good 1.00!!

Then, saw them again on pinterest - it was ment to be:) Now I'm warning you, these are pretty darn cute, super easy to make and well - practically FREE, since I already had the candy canes, and jimmies - so the red candy melts and sticks - that's it!

Enjoy:) the kiddos at school did!!

March Cleaning Madness!!

March has it's madness in many ways. To most it's basketball - hate watching the game! I'm sick of the clutter, chaos, dirt, grime, crud, (how many more words can I come up with?) junk, piles, mess...well you get the point. I'm going into...ready? MARCH CLEANING MADNESS.

In 1 month I want, no I expect this house to be completely better, and my head not you ask? Bags, lots of bags..40 to be exact.

Saw this idea on pinterest - 40 bags in 40 days.

Easy enough right!?! So I wrote up and printed off (YES I HAVE A PRINTER!) and posted it.
Starting tomorrow - 1 bag goes OUT!

So, excited I'm giddy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012


Wow - It's that time already??

Hubby just celebrated his 35th birthday, which also means it's been 20 years since I made him cupcakes in band ("just cuz"' ya know) and then him finding out I liked him...also
means this is our 15th year of marriage.

So we had a lil party for him - completely worth every penny for renting the hall - just so I don't have to clean, or stress about the spacing. Just can't believe it's been that long!!!

Kids gave him a fun sign/card for his day also, found the idea on pinterest...and one day when I know how to "link" back to others..I will send this image back to the original maker - but until then, take a gander at ours!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feb 2011

Ah, I start this month with a saddened heart.
There has been many deaths in our lives here in WI - both for our family, but friends too. Seems every few weeks there is another.

Today the body of 1Lt David Johnson will be coming back home to WI. I am honored to have known this great guy. He was just a teen when Dan & I came to our church, and started working with the teens. David was just an awesome guy, could make me laugh at the most chaotic and frustrating moments. Really can't believe he's gone. His family our great friends of ours, and when you know the family, your heart just breaks seeing them in pain.

See you one day, David.

1Lt David Johnson

going to watch his body be brought back home
a sad time to see this happening to our dear friends
a beautiful thought that he is truly Home
but honored to stand and watch, honored to have known him


Where have I been? What have I been doing? I'd love to tell you I've been doing something amazing for the human race. Maybe the peace corps or working with the poor/elderly. Heck, or even shoveling someone's sidewalk - but alas (my new word) I have not. But - I did have a baby!!

On 12-12-11 I had a baby girl, Hailee Michell ~ I want to nic-name her leelee, so cute:)

Now, I could go back and talk about my whole last, what has it been, 4 months - but I won't. I'm going to take my own advice. Start now, work backwards when I have time.

So, now, I know you have read this before and I promised many times - to make this blog a goal...and I fail, oh so miserably. I will try, really really I will:)

I'm wanting to blog - weekly. Every Friday I want to hop on here, and talk about my week with my crazy family, what food I'm making, what parties I have planned, what chaos awaits me at each turn of my day...that is my goal -- this week. we go, my life - my life with 4.